Monday, November 16, 2009

BREAKING: Levi Does NOT Show the Moose Meat!

Seriously - someone needs to be fired for this!!!! According to The New York Daily News, Levi DID NOT reveal the entire Johnston in his photoshoot...

"He did not give 'full frontal' as his manager Tank (Jones) reported he would," (magazine rep Daniel) Nardicio told the Daily News.

"We're thrilled with the photos we got, and are confident people will love them, but although there may be glimpses, we did not get full on frontal nudity," Nardicio said.


Miss Ginger Grant said...

I'm withya... if heda had anything to show, we woulda got the full monty. Instead, we get a glimpse of mickey. ewe!
And to think Bristol blew her Momma's chance to be VP by blowing that tiny little skinflute... more like a skinpiccolo, probably!

Wonder Man said...

maybe next time

Anonymous said...

on one hand, I'm proud of him for keeping the family jewels a family secret.

on the other hand...

What the hell is my hand supposed to do now!!??

David Dust said...

Kevin -



Anonymous said...

I was so crushed when I heard this. We all WANT to see the full goods. Who cares about an ass shot. BUT--the more I think about this--I bet there is a plan. Now Levi can wait for another publication to come along and offer him 10 times the money to give the full frontal shot. Smart boy!

Mark in DE said...

Meah... whatever.

Anonymous said...

yea..... what Mark in DE said..........!

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