Thursday, November 19, 2009

Sexy In Paris

This is David (nice name!) - a DavidDust reader from Paris (France, not Texas). David thought I might like this picture of him. Might? I absolutely LOVE it when the fabulous members of the BunnyNation send me pictures of themselves - especially when they are as hot as David.

Merci David - vous êtes très beau. And NO ... despite 2 semesters of French in college, I cannot read, write, or speak French. But I DO know how to use Google Translate...


Mark in DE said...


Eric Arvin said...


Btw, love the new look!

Unknown said...

Is he coming to the next DDBW? I will need advance notice so I can pack a drool rag.

Wonder Man said...

very nice and furry

Miss Ginger Grant said...

J'ador David!

Anonymous said...

Send him over to my blog too!!

SteveA said...

OMG - I'll be having a wet dream a teen all over again...hubba hubba!

behrmark said...

Mark in DE said it best!

Unknown said...

there's a bear who can eat my porridge. ooo lah lah! c'est si bon.

this boy needs to send me some more pics.

soulbrotha said...

He is gorgeous. Is he single? Hook a brotha up!

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