Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veteran's Day Salute to the Military

OK, I'm pretty sure the last guy isn't a member of the United States military, but isn't the Republic of Hunkistan one of our allies??

Seriously - thank you to all the veterans and active military for your service to this country.


C'est moi, c'est moi Lola said...

Funny, these guys don't look like the reserves my cousin is serving with!

Then again, the college ROTC uses the the bike trails for morning runs. I delude myself by thinking I'm not passing them out of respect, but really it's those well-fitting shorts & t-shirts....

Mark in DE said...

snickers and grins :-)

Anonymous said...

Very sexy, hot soldiers! And, seriously, it's amazing what they do and they earn my total sex.

Unknown said...

#2 is amazing looking... but you realize #5 are porn stars and not real soldiers?

David Dust said...

Todd -

It doesn't matter ... they're HOT.


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