Monday, January 4, 2010

Cool Stuff - For You Old-School Book Readers

The Thumb Thing keeps your book open while you read, and also serves as a bookmark.  But does anyone read books anymore?!?


mikeinbama said...

This would really come in handy when I'm reading a book at work.

Tivo Mom said...

OK I still read books (have not fallen victim to the Kindle yet) but I am not sure about this thumb thing (does that sound dirty to you?). Anyway

Mr.Mischief said...

Shoot, I read about 500 to 700 pages of book a week-I stopped buying them when going thru thirty or forty bucks a week in purchases at Borders wasn't in the budget anymore and frequent the library alot more.

Mistress Maddie said...

I only read them if they contain lots of pretty pictures!

Joy said...

I do. Real books with pages I can turn and might use that thumb thing for. Lots and lots of books!

There's a used book place (McKay's) in Nashville that is great. Books are so cheap there, and you can take those back and books, CDs, DVDs, audio books, and games there for store credit or money. Libraries and those shops are helpful financially.

Anonymous said...

Is it bad that my first thought is what ELSE you could do with that?

Kailyn said...

Why of course I still read books. I'm not sure about the thumb thing though.

TonyJoe said...

Ya gotta love books. They make my heart sing.

Miss Ginger Grant said...

What's this "book" thing of which you speak?

the dogs' mother said...

Yes and I love old books too - the look, the smell, the yellow pages - swooooon!
Ooops, got carried away there...

You can't get that from Kindle!
Daughter did get a Kindle for Chrismas. Haven't seen her using it yet so the jury is still out on it. I can see it being handy traveling on a plane - if they will still let you have anything on a plane anymore!

Mr.Mischief said...

Why do you need that in the first place? Isn't that what the THUMB is for when your reading anyways? seems like one of those damn "as seen on tv" gadgets that serve no real purpose except to take your money from you..

kayce. said...

YES! but i mostly read huge hard backs (i'm a size queen even when it comes to books lol), so i'm not sure if "the thumb thing" would be of much use to me. :))

CowboyDenver said...

Hell yes! Life would be so diminished without books. I read every day.

Beth said...

Oh, most definitely, although I'm behind on my reading. I don't think I'd need a thumb thing (why does that sound dirty to me?) because I usually use both hands on my book. XOXO

SteveA said...

I read so much at work that when I am home I don't want to see a book - give me porn!

Dwight Supremacy said...

May get this for my Friend Peg's birthday. Unlike me, she's a huge reader!

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