Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Ben Stein: Unemployed Have "Poor Personalities"

Ben Stein is an idiotic right-wing douchenozzle.  Here is what he had to say about people who are currently unemployed (via Joe.My.God):

"The people who have been laid off and cannot find work are generally people with poor work habits and poor personalities. I say “generally” because there are exceptions. But in general, as I survey the ranks of those who are unemployed, I see people who have overbearing and unpleasant personalities and/or who do not know how to do a day’s work. They are people who create either little utility or negative utility on the job". 

Hey Benny - can we see the actual results of the personal "survey" you personally did?!?  Did you personally travel across the country personally speaking to the unemployed??  Or are you just making assumptions based on your racist, classist conservative Republican IDIOTology ideology????

If people with "overbearing and unpleasant personalities" were the only ones unemployed, then your ass would have NEVER gotten a job.


the dogs' mother said...

LOL! You nailed that one!

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I wonder what people are thinking to say such horrid things. Is it truly easier to blame the victims, rather than acknowledge the Bush Administration tanked this nation's economy?

Dave said...

Yep, this has pretty much been the explaination for unemployment from the righties in this country for a while! The unemployed are lazy... pathetic.

PFM7 said...

Wow, I can hardly believe that a rich neo-con Repugnican whore would say such a thing about those who are not rich or whores. Although it comes as no surprise as high unemployment and an angry electorate are exactly why the Repugs in the Senate do what they have been doing. They want the votes so they can get back in power and continue to screw the Americans that are not rich. Plus a large pool of skilled long term unemployer is very good for their Corporate masters profit magins, more temp and part time workers at low wages with no benefits is very profitable.

Beth said...

He's catching a lot of flak for this, and deservedly so. What an idiotic statement, and I think it shows the prevailing attitude in the GOP these days. Grrrrr! XOXO

Joy said...

Amen!! You are so right! And so is Jennie!

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