Sunday, July 18, 2010

Birthday Boy - Vin Diesel

My future ex-husband Vin Diesel turns 43 today, which means I will also be turning 43 in about 5 weeks. We're cosmically linked like that, you know.

Here is some inside scoop on Big Daddy Diesel: despite all the rumors, he is NOT gay.  "Mark Vincent" (his real name) grew up in Greenwich Village, the neighborhood I work in. I've spoken to people who hung out with him as kids and they say Mr. Vincent got into a lot of shizz during his youth (don't we all) - but other guys was never one of them.

But make no mistake - I'm not about to let a little thing like heterosexuality stand in the way of our love...


Anonymous said...

AMEN ...never let that Hetro thing stand in the way of your potential nuptials

Unknown said...

OMG... it is my bday too... though I am not nearly as hot as him...

David Dust said...

Dear Kelly -



Sozo's said...

oh sure ruin it for the rest of us! LOL kidding, I knew he wasn't gay.

Monika Michalak said...

I had to click on the link when I saw "Future Ex-Husband"!!! I love to use that line. I used to say that about Vin now I say that about his friend/body guard Valentino Morales. Another very fine him...

David Dust said...

Monie -

OMG - I'd never heard of Valentino Morales before, but I Googled him and ... HELLO PAPI!!!!!


Mark in DE said...

He's the poster man of masculinity. No wonder you're in love with him!

Anonymous said...

May I please be invited to the wedding? I promise not to lick the grooms.

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