Saturday, July 31, 2010

I Lost My New Phone

FML. Yesterday I put my phone down at either the corner deli, Subway Sub Shop, or the restroom at work - and now it's gone.  I went back to the deli and to Subway (and asked my co-workers) - but of course nobody knows anything about it.  So, right now, someone is using my brand new Motorola Cliq (which I spent over $300 on) - although they aren't able to use my account (T-Mobile has been alerted).

For now I'm back to using my old phone - the one that requires duct tape in order to charge it.  Oh, and I can't text on it either. Or access the Internet.  And sometimes the buttons don't respond, so I can't always use all the numbers or answer when a call comes in.

I thought things could only get better?  Lies...


the dogs' mother said...

Both Gorilla Boy and The Engineer lose, and thankfully find, their phones about once a month. Daughter lets hers run out of charge and languish in her purse. Someday I'm going to microchip everyone.

behrmark said...

Sorry to hear of your trouble. I think the phone companies should install a lojack type device for such situations.

Miss Ginger Grant said...

Did you get the insurance when you got the new phone? I'm guessing no.

gman7157 said...

This sucks big time! Your friends are getting together to send some "boys" over to cheer you up...! ;-)


Anonymous said...

Well, no wonder! I texted you and got no response... Sorry bout that.

Mistress Maddie said...

Mame, did you leave it in the g-string of one of the hot papis at the Urges last night? Maybe it slipped in the g-string when you were stuffing it with some ones!!!

Miss G- lol,lol,lol,lol!

Joy said...


Tom A. said...

I hearsd that a smart phone becomes completely inactive when flagged as lost or stolen. If the perp trys to go get a plan for it, it will be taken and returned to the owner!

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