Thursday, July 22, 2010

Wow - All I Can Say Is ... "Thanks"

After I wrote my No More Secrets post, I was nervous about how it would be received.  Don't ask my why, but I was.

Well ... my concerns were certainly unfounded because you truly blew me away with all your love and support.  DustBunnies who have never uttered a peep in the Comments spoke up - which thrilled me beyond belief.  Right now DavidDust gets an average of 2500 to 3000 individual visitors per day, but I only know about a few dozen of you.  The fact that you loyal-but-silent DustBunnies took the time to comment on that post means the world to me.

Of course I also appreciate my tried-and-true old friends showing me the love, as you always do.  Bob (and Carlos) chimed in exactly TWELVE MINUTES after the post was published (6:50 AM!), and the comments and well-wishes continues all day and night.

If love, support and friendship have ANY bearing upon one's health, then I will be the healthiest Biatch on the planet in no time.



Daddy Squeeze Me! said...

Well I love you and thats all that matter how confused I was. Never stopped loving you. You are here for a reason and you have touched us all in some way. We love the way you make us feel and we are not about to let you stop doing that!

So take your meds and get ready for the long haul cause you are with us for good! *kisses*

Bob said...

"If love, support and friendship have ANY bearing upon one's health, then I will be the healthiest Biatch on the planet in no time."

And THAT'S exactly why someone's HIV status shouldn't be a secret.

We all need each other.


the dogs' mother said...

Zombie Mom is writing up a grant as I type - the effect of Dust Bunnies on health and welfare of HIV folks - we could be on to something here!

Big Mark 243 said...

You know I am glad to have made your acquaintance and you have been a big help to me. And I am sure that by sharing this with your readers that you have undoubtedly helped many others as well.

Stay healthy my friend!

Love and Rockets!

Joy said...

6:50 AM!!! That's an hour earlier here! I wasn't even close to being awake!

Yes, love and support do help. You'll be all better because of it. Humor and a positive attitude contribute, too. :-)


Peter said...

You've not changed, you're still YOU and that is the most important thing. Okay the infection wont go away, but you can live with it and grow old with it. In a way it was good you had to go to hospital otherwise you never had found out or in a very late phase.


mrs.missalaineus said...

a little late but on the bandwagon here.

dd. you being open and honest about something so personal just gives me one more reason to consider you one of my heroes and role models. you talking about it can help other people talk about it and can lead more people to getting the help they need.

i feel the same way as that other poster, that you and i are like friends in the head (god i love wendy williams). like we could sit and slag on tv shows together and make tony laugh at our combined, unrestrained and ferocious obnoxious-ness! then we could all go play some farkle!

gonna have to send you a little something something....


Mistress Maddie said...

kISSES DEAR SISTER! No need to thank- thats what friends are for!!!


Wonder Man said...

You know we are here for you, boo

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