Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Tina Fey!

I'm hearing reports that Tina Fey will be attending the event I'm doing this evening.  Liz Lemon in the HIZZY!!

UPDATE:  {{{Using My Oprah Voice}}}... "Liz LEMON!!!".  Ms. Fey indeed attended with her family and was as nice as pie and is as cute as a button.


Anonymous said...

Oh! I want to go to there!

kayce. said...

oh. my. gah! use her joke: walk up to her and say "congratulations," LMAO. but seriously, j'adore miss tina ~ too bad you won't be able to get pics for us!

Miss Ginger Grant said...

I LOVE Tina Fey!! I am so insanely jealous!!!

Mark in DE said...

What a glamorous NYC life you lead!!

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