Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I Can Stalk U Via Twitter

From ICanStalkU.com:
Did you know that a lot of smart phones encode the location of where pictures are taken? Anyone who has a copy can access this information.

And it comes out on their website like this (screen capture):

What are people really saying in their tweets?

Learn how to disable the geocaching feature of your phone HERE ... unless you WANT to be stalked.

DEAR FRANKY G - I have not disabled this feature on my phone - so I am TOTALLY stalkable.  Just sayin...


the dogs' mother said...

First I have to become interesting enough to be stalked...

kayce. said...

yeah, i don't do the geocaching thing... i did it initially to preserve battery life/roaming, but it has it's privacy benefits, too. no geocaching, no foursquare, no "bookface" places ~ nada. not for me. ;)

Dwight Supremacy said...

I'm glad I still have a 'dumb' phone.

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