Thursday, August 26, 2010

Yes, Today Is My Birfday

Contrary to what my dear sister Maddie may think, TODAY is my birfday.  But let me tell you something young Bunnies - when you get to be 19 28 39 43 like I am, you really don't feel like celebrating.  In fact, this 21-second video sums up my feelings exactly...

Anywhore, right now I'm too broke to grope the dancers at "The Urges" (AKA The Urge Lounge) - but I will try and save my pennies to do that NEXT weekend.  I've been promised by a CERTAIN BLOGGER that he will accompany me to my favorite trashy bar and help me make a nuisance of myself - and I'm going to make him keep his promise.

Luckily my friends Shanta and Isabel took pity on me and are taking me out to dinner tonight.  We're going to try Amy Ruth's in Harlem for some authentic Southern cuisine and I can hardly wait.


Dwight Supremacy said...

Happy birthday, sir!!! Dinner with friends is awesome. Have a blast!

Tivo Mom said...

Happy happy Birthday! I hope that it is wonderful and that you save your pennies for next weekend. Love to you my friend.

the dogs' mother said...

XOXOXOXOXOXOXO have a yummy time!

AGB said...

Happy Birf day Bunny-in-Chief !!!!

Amber LeMay said...

Happy Day, Double D!

Tricky said...

Well HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! to you. And I hope you see a lot more. *smack*

MCWolfe said...

Tha happiest of birthdays to you, dear David, and many, many more!


David Dust said...

Thanks everybody!!!


Psychomom said...

Ahhh, Happy Birfday sweetness, have fun for at least a few days or weeks!

Mr.Mischief said...

Happy birthday David! :)

Doug said...

Happy Birthday!!!!

TonyJoe said...

Heya David, have an excellent birthday :)

Dan said...

Happy Birthday David!

Can i come with you guys!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday David! said...

Happy Birthday!!!!!!! Treat yourself to something delicious....maybe the guy in the photo!!!

Bob said...

Happy Happy Day, DD!


js said...

Bon anniversaire !
Happy Birthday !

Enjoy your -next week- celebration at the Urge...

js said...

Bon anniversaire !
Happy Birthday !
Have a good time -next week- celebrating at the Urge...

Joy said...

Happy Birthday again! I was uncharacteristically early because I was just so excited that you were born and are here entertaining us and being such a great friend! Love you! Love your hair! XOXOXOXOXXOX

Joy said...

Btw, 43 is a very good age. Trust me.

Robert Kent said...

Oh Happy Day to you buddy..have a drink on me eh!! Big hugs
Robbie K

Anonymous said...

You're nuts. Adorable, too. And yes, we're getting together! :-D

E. Judd said...

Thank god is only 2 PM in the West Coast!! I'm still early to wish you a HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BURFDAY!!!
And honey, if you are going down the hill...just grab on speed!!!

Te quiero!!

Eric Judd!!
Claremont CA

Wonder Man said...

Happy Birthday, Boo. Hope to see you soon

Mistress Maddie said...

Alright, so I made a whole week out of it!!! Happy Birthday Mame! I hope you had a wonderful dinnerand give miss shanta a big wet one for me!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birfday David...we share a little as today is also my Birfday!

I'm 19 for the 20th time!

So Happy BDay Girl!

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