Sunday, August 29, 2010

BREAKING: Slavery is OK!!

At yesterday's Glenn Beck Restoring gHONORrhea Rally, they had a "no signs" rule, for obvious reasons...

But that didn't stop Cletus "Cooter" Cornhauler (top) from using his t-shirt to learn all the folks about the joys of slavery.  According to Mr. Cornhauler's Sunday church-going outfit, slavery is A-O.K. because black people did it too!!!  Yeah Slavery!!!  But a big "woopsie" on that whole Civil War thing, I guess.

Hat tip to Gawker, which notes that "Mauritania" is misspelled on Cletus' t-shirt.  D'oh!


Miss Ginger Grant said...

Not to mention that Obama is not muslin at all, but in fact percale. Inbred dumbasses couldn't identify the fabric of America if we wrapped their asses in it!

Manhandler said...

Ginger, why do you hate America?

David Dust said...

LOL @ Will. Ginger is OBVIOUSLY not a good AMMURICAN like you are!


Beth said...

Oh. My. Science. Please, PLEASE, can someone dump a truck full of shock in the gene pool?! ::facepalm::

Joy said...

Good grief. If only they wouldn't reproduce!

nitrox11 said...

Could't your President arrange for some of these nice folks to have an all expenses paid trip to the Carribean? I believe Guantanamo Bay is just 'captivating'.

I'm over in the States soon for a lickle break and I swear, if I have the misfortune to cross paths with any of these brain donors they won't leave the encounter in any doubt about how they make civilised people feel. 'cept my civility might be a little wanting...

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