Monday, February 28, 2011

Paula Deen Is A Straight Up FAH-REEK!!

As much as it pains me to say this, I'd probably lick dairy products off Robert Irvine's abs and ride him like a Cowgirl at the rodeo too, if presented with the opportunity. Well, Paula Deen got her chance to at the South Beach Food & Wine Festival over the weekend - and Miss Thang really went for it, ya'll:

Despite his burly appearance and British military training, I'm sure Mr. Irvine (star of Dinner: Impossible on the Food Network) will never be quite the same. Forget waterboarding, all you need is Paula Deen and a can of Reddi-Wip and she could topple governments.

Quick, someone send her to Libya to meet with Qaddafi...

h/t: Dlisted


1 comment:

Mr.Mischief said...

I blame it on when she got hit in the face with a ham.

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