Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Rush Limbaugh Thinks Michelle Obama Is Fat

Prescription drug expert Rush Limbaugh now fancies himself as some kind of a HEALTH and DIET guru. And he thinks that First Lady Michelle Obama doesn't practice what she preaches when it comes to her diet (via Gawker):
The problem is—and dare I say this—it doesn't look like Michelle Obama follows her own nutritionary, dietary advice. And then we hear that she's out eating ribs at 1,500 calories a serving with 141 grams of fat per serving...

Wow, if Rush could have somehow thrown in a watermelon reference and maybe used his famous "ching chong" Chinese accent, that quote would have been perfect. Try harder next time, AssMonkey.

The First Lady responding by putting on fabulous outfit and traveling around Washington, D.C. looking fierce:


the dogs' mother said...

When I hear these kinds of things - she took on a really tricky issue - I wonder if there is anything she could have taken on that would just pass by without ridicule?

Bob said...

Michelle Obama ain't sayin' ya cain't eat ribs.

She's sayin' M-O-D-E-R-A-T-I-O-N!

Something fat-assed-drug-addict-douchebags like Limbaugh know nothing about.

Lee said...

Froggy: No. Hope that helps.

And, honestly, I think Michelle Obama is one of the sexiest First Ladies we've had in a while.

mrs.missalaineus said...

what a douchebag. what else can you expect from an asshat who doesn't have the dignity to score his own oxy fix in person??????? i hope he chokes on a big fat handful of pills.

if it matters, i personally want the first lady to push for a mandated 60 minutes of recess daily so they have to fix the damn playground at work and get us some playground aides to make sure everyone is supervised. it's hard to have recess when all you have to play on is some tired-ass asphalt.


Big Mark 243 said...

Maybe he got confused when he heard a brother call her P-H-A-T and thought that he should chime in...

... he is such a douche...

Wonder Man said...

he is sooo ridic

Dan said...

He is being given way too much press on this!

I love it when a fat, drug addicted, womanizing, viagra popping "christisn" says stupid shit like this, and people actually listen!

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