Friday, December 18, 2009

Celebrities Deny "Relationships" With Tiger

Jessica Simpson denied this week that she had an affair with Tiger Woods.  Other celebrities have also denied grabbing the Tiger by the tail, so to speak.

Even though she is a gorgeous blond, Cheryl Crow said she did NOT hit it...


Eddie Van Halen said he and Tiger made out a little after a night of partying - but that was as far as it went...

The White House staff is in the process of destroying all copies of this picture.  But  come to think of it - the Tiger is looking a little HONGRAY in the presence of our handsome President...


The Artist Currently Known As Prince issued a "no comment" when asked about his relationship with Tiger.  But I read that the golf superstar was overheard humming "Darling Nikki" the morning after this photo was taken...


Finally, we have a bit of refreshing honesty.  This gentleman actually admits to having an affair with Tiger Woods.  And look what happened...



Anonymous said...

Your own blog stylings are hilarious enough for me. this one here is a riot. Love the cardboard sign claiming an affair with Tiger. Funny implication with Prince who has made some pretty strong anti gay statements in his time.oxoxo Charlie

Anonymous said...

Excuse me while I go delete some photos and video clips from my laptop and blackberry. I don't want the press catching up to me.

Mark in DE said...

HA - the last one is great!

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