Thursday, December 24, 2009

Tim Robbins and Susan Sarandon Split

Tim Robbins and Susan Sarandon split up sometime over the summer - after 23 years together.  Sarandon's rep confirmed this to People yesterday in a short statement...
"Actress Susan Sarandon and her partner of 23 years, actor Tim Robbins have announced that they separated over the summer.  No further comments will be made."
That's so sad - I always thought those two would be together forever.  I wonder if Gay Marriage contributed to the the demise of their relationship?!?  The "religious" right claims that gay marriage destroys traditional marriage ... but maybe it can destroy unmarried straight couples also.

Beware the power of the Gay ...


Big Mark 243 said...

I do feel a bit of sadness for them. Hopefully there isn't any bitterness and they can go their seperate ways without rancor.

Hope that Kurt and Goldie aren't next!

Joy said...

This makes me so sad, too. They seemed to have something that would go the distance. It's upsetting. I put that on my blog, too. :-(

RedCedar said...

Also disappointed.

Wonder Man said...

I met them once, their son Jack was a part of my student org. They looked happy

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