Monday, December 21, 2009

Snooki Has Officially Arrived With SNL Parody

Jersey Shore's Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi officially became a part of pop culture this weekend when she was parodied on Saturday Night Live.  And according to her TWEET about it, Snooki has a sense of humor about herself - just don't touch her poof.

One unfortunate aspect of "The Queen of Poukeepsie's" newly-found fame is that she's now  technically unemployed.  Snooki was fired from her receptionist job recently after asking for time off to go to Los Angeles.

But all is not lost.  Our favorite pickle-sucker is making money from appearance fees at clubs and other venues - reportedly at $2,000 a pop (plus transportation and pickles).  And the poof comes free.


Wonder Man said...

I need to start sucking pickles

Mark in DE said...

Oh how proud her parents must be...

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