Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Taylors Have Broken Up

Us Weekly reports that hot young gayling Taylor Lautner (my gaydar doesn't lie) and singer Taylor Swift have ended their "relationship".

Check out this extremely telling quote:
"It wasn't really developing into anything, and wasn't going to, so they decided they were better as friends," a source close to Swift, 20, tells Us. "There was no chemistry."
Shocking!  I imagine Lautner's people are busy trying to line him up another beard shopping partner best galpal girlfriend as we speak.  I wonder if Renee Zellweger is available - she has TONS of beard experience.  Oh, that's right, Renee is currently "dating" Bradley Cooper.

Gee - talk about "chemistry".


Anonymous said...

Isn't interesting that in the new movie Valentine's Day Bradley is gay and involved with Eric Dane and that the two Taylors are also in this movie.

Robguy said...

He makes such a handsome couple - as in, it doesn't really matter who is standing next to him.

Mark in DE said...

Your gaydar doesn't lie, and I am right there with you! Taylor L is just too cute, too built, too perfect to be straight.

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