Sunday, February 28, 2010


OMG ... this person is what nightmares are made of.


kayce. said...

true T: i have an aunt who is a teabagging palinite and i have refused her facebook friend request 3 times. (some back story: she used to flood my sister's inbox w/ pro-dubya emails back in the day -- more than 2x daily on avg -- until my sister broke, called her, and told her to cease & desist. so i know she's not just a quiet palin-lover: bitch is rabid.) i know she's family, but we're not close enough for me to put up w/ THAT bullshit...

Beth said...

This is hilarious, because Cousin Shane and I were just laughing about something similar. He received a friend request from one of our cousins, and in looking at her profile he saw that she is now a churchie. I found her profile, and fired off an email to Shane: "OMG she's a fan of Glenn Beck!" AUGH! I told Shane that just because someone is family it doesn't mean that I have to be friends with them...or even like them. I didn't send her a friend request, because I'm sure I wouldn't like her lameass fundamentalist bullshit or hatred of Obama/gays/whatever anymore than she'd like my godless commie ass. XOXO

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