Thursday, July 8, 2010

Martha Stewart Ain't Got Nothing on Joan Crawford

According to Michael Musto, Joan Crawford once said a good hostess should always keep Seafood Newburg in the fridge "In case your husband brings some of his business associates home for dinner."  Of course this is the same woman who freaked out at wire hangers and beat her children - so I'm not so sure we should be listening to her homemaking advice.

Also, Musto asks - what in the hell is Seafood Newburg??...


the dogs' mother said...

She probably meant everyone woman's housekeeper and cook should have that dish in their fridge - and isn't it awful looking!

Anonymous said...

Crazy bitch. Joan, not Michael.

Peter Maria said...


LOVE, mixed with DISCIPLINE.

Workx every time.

Wonder Man said...

I agree with Mecha

Joy said...

You can't just keep that in the refrigerator all the time. Weird, weird, weird! But we knew that, didn't we?

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