Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Get Well Soon, Papa Bunny!

If I seem a little bit distracted over the next few days, it's because my darling Dad was admitted to the hospital yesterday with pneumonia. He suffers from COPD, which unfortunately can help cause bouts of pneumonia - but our local hospital (back in PA) should be able to knock it out of him with antibiotics and respiratory treatments.

I went into the hospital last year (on Father's Day, actually) - with pneumonia, so I know exactly how miserable he's feeling right now. We spoke on the phone briefly, and Dad seems to be in good spirits and well taken care of by my Stepmom and Brother.

So, if you have a moment, send Papa Bunny some healing vibes, positive energy, and prayers to the Baby Jeebus for a swift recovery!



the dogs' mother said...

xoxoxoxox to Papa Bunny!! And cute nurses. Eldest was always on the look out for cute nurses :-)

MT said...

Godspeedy recovery 2 pb(&jj) tht's shrt 4 jesus

Beth Hill said...

GEt well soon Papa your daughter, Tranny Beth

Joy said...

Best wishes to Papa Bunny! Hope he gets all well soon! I've had it, too, and have a whole new respect for it.

Beth said...

Sending good thoughts to Papa Bunny for a speedy recovery! XOXO

Ken Riches said...

Hope PB gets well soon. Good thoughts and vibe coming your way.

Sassy said...

PB, sending lots of healty, happy thoughts your way.

theminx said...

I'm keeping Papa Bunny in my prayers!


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