Wednesday, April 15, 2009

2500 Posts!

This is DavidDust post number 2500 ... thanks for joining me on this ride. Any suggestions for the NEXT 2500 posts??


R said...

Congrats, D! You're doin' great, just keep posting!

Beth said...

Wow, cool! Somehow I don't think you'll have any problem whatsoever finding things to write about...!


Psychomom said...

I think you are the most posting-est blogger in the world. More hot dudes please.....(and that includes you sweetness). XOXOXO

William said...

Less gay. Oh wait...!

:-D Congrats, darlin'.


Santo Domingo Colonial Zone Apts said...

Congratulations on your 2,500th post. Keep up the good work!

Wonder Man said...

It's a blast

Mark in DE said...

Congrats, Mr Man! I suggest at least 2500 more.

Mistress Maddie said...

I guess you did have alot to say tootes! Congrats!

the dogs' mother said...

Just how many shows *can* you recap??? We have Project Runway, Fashion House and Top Chef Masters coming up.... Maybe we should look into cloning you!

Chucho Perusquía said...

I realize that I visit your blog more frecuent than google or youtube...

and well, ahm, as a request... please
LOTS AND LOTS of 3 guys:
-Charles Dera!
-Mitchell Rock!
-and that sexy Steve you post recently

MCWolfe said...

Congratulations on such a momentous number! As for me, if you want to write it I want to read it so whatever springs to your mind is fine.

Here's to 2500 more.

JenM said...

Looking forward to the next 2500!

shirlnutkin said...

yippee! congrats!!!

Unknown said...

You've been busy, young man! Keep it going. I am hoping to be taking pictures when in NYC, and we can either make some money off them, or post them here on the blog. See, I am always thinking, babe.

Miss Ginger Grant said...

I've got it figured out- since you are recapping so many shows, (including the ones I want to recap) maybe I should just change my bog to "Recapping David Dust!" Then, everyone who bitches about having to keep up with too many blogs just has to read mine!
Okay, well it SEEMED like a good idea!
Congrats, baby! Love ya much, and I hope I get to meet you "fur reel" in May!

Unknown said...


Amber LeMay said...

Hey D Squared -
Congrats, hon. I've only been following you for a year - but what a year it's been!!!

It takes a blogger to know how time consuming blogging can be...

Thanks for the inspiration, encouragement and support.

Amber LeMay

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! No suggestions, just more of the same. You are so funny and wonderful I can hardly wait for the next 2500.

Anonymous said...

and you were successful long before this phenomenal number. congratulations. I admire your persistence and devotion to the project. Always a pleasure.

Joy said...

Just keep up the good work, Sweetie!!

Love you! Love your blog!!!


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