Friday, April 24, 2009

Anna Nalick - Breathe (2AM)

This beautiful song makes me weep uncontrollably.



Anonymous said...

I thought "if only just getting it out on paper really did help".Then I thought...the title really says it all. Thanks for sharing this...very moving. How many winters have been seasons like this?

Beth said...

I love the line "Life's like an hourglass glued to the table."

Eric Arvin said...

Beautiful song ...

Anonymous said...

This is one of my very favorite songs. I'm a sucker for well-written lyrics.

Anonymous said...

Mama Bunny sez:
We weep together, my lovely son, and our tears are gifts to one another.


Mark in DE said...

Wow, the lyrics are pretty powerful. Does this song make you weep because it hits too close to your heart?

Unknown said...

I ADORE this song...

Joy said...

Beautiful! I need to listen to it often. :-)

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