Saturday, April 18, 2009

Our "Surprise" Dust Bunny Weekend Visitor

It is confirmed ... the BunnyNation will be visited by ROYALTY during the Drunken Dust Bunny Weekend (May 29-June 1). The Empress of the Dust Bunnies HERSELF has just purchased her ticket...

Yes bitches, my beloved TRANNYBETH is coming and I am beside myself with excitement!!! Beth has never been to NYC before, and even though we love each other like sisters, we have never met face-to-face. I am going to grab that girl and NOT LET GO!!!

Thanks to Zombie Mom and Kailyn who managed to convince Beth to come. These three lovely ladies will be hosting a cocktail party on Friday night at their hotel ... so plan on being there, bitches!!!

For their role in bringing my girl Beth to NYC, I am naming Zombie Mom and Kailyn as Dust Bunnies of the Week. For their service to the BunnyNation, I would like to present both of these lovely ladies with the coveted "Dusty" award...


Angel said...


Anonymous said...

New Yawk Rocks again. It's never gonna be the same after you guys get together.

Mistress Maddie said...

WHAT WONDERFUL NEWS!!!!!!!! This is shaping up to be quite the royal mess!!!!LOL! Mamie, are you also going to be offering everyone a AA membership with the weekend package! They will need it! LOL!

Anonymous said...

You guys are going to have the best time! I want to see pictures!

Unknown said...

Wow, this is turning to an event with an unlimited number of queens involved. I hope NYC is ready. LOL

It will just be wonderful to meet everyone.

Romance said...

Wooohooo- we are going to have fun!!!

Jimbo said...

Aww...super fun!!! YAY!!

Marker said...


Kailyn said...

Aw shucks. All I have to say is that there is still plenty of time for other Bunnies to join on. The more, the merrier.

Joy said...

I'd go but am sure I couldn't keep up with all of you! Have lots and lots of fun! And take many pictures!

Joy said...

It sounds like a lot of fun. I'll see how this one goes and might come to the Dust Storm next year! That way I can work in a visit with Charlie around that time, too.

Kwana said...

Oh fun! What a great time. Can't wait to hear all about it.

Mark in DE said...

Hurray!!! This is really catching on. I feel like we should all be wearing Dust Bunny t-shirts while in NYC or something. At a minimum we should have those stick-on name tags that read "Hello, I'm ______" with our blogger handle and our first name. Anybody else feelin' this?

Psychomom said...

Any travel agents in the group that can put all the reservations together for me and I just hand over the credit card then show up and drink?

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