Friday, April 24, 2009

Taking Saturdays Off...

Until further notice, I will be taking Saturdays off from blogging. This SHOULD give me the opportunity to get out of my apartment, get things done, and maybe even exercise. I doubt any of that will actually happen, but a girl can dream.

I have been blogging seven days a week for almost 2 years, and it's about time I cut back a little. So unless there is some breaking news on Saturday involving a shirtless Franky G, I will be back on Sunday.


Bob said...

I think that's good.
You deserve a little "me" time after all the time you spend on us!

Enjoy your Saturdays.


Anonymous said...

Good for you! Everyone needs that time to recharge. Now I won't be tempted to turn on the computer on Saturdays.

William said...

You'll be missed, but in the name of successful progress, I'm glad you're doing it. Good luck, David!

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your day off! Do something nice for yourself and BREATHE!!!

Mama Bunny

Joy said...

That's a very good idea! Good for you!! xoxoxoxoxox

Beth said...

Do what ya need to do, Hon! We'll keep the porch light on for you! XO


Angel said...

hey, you need some time for YOU too, even tho we will all miss you on Saturdays. Is it that you want some time to do other things or are you just planning on being HUNG OVER on Saturdays??! ;)


Wonder Man said...

I agree with Bob, it's NYC, get out there

Stan said...

Yeah that exercise thing. I need to work on that too! Good luck Dave!

H2B said...

enjoy your rest, but you could do as I blog days ahead and just read emails

Sam said...

Yeah right ho, I'll be here next Sat. waiting on you to add some hotness!!

behrmark said...

You definitely deserve it, David! Besides, I'm hoping to be too busy the rest of the weekend with the gorgeous early birthday present you gave me! LOL - HUGS!!!

Jimmy said...

Oh, there you go, trying to have a life and all. ;)

Sam said...

Look Ho, dont have me waiting all day. Come on you know you wanta doing alittle something something. Here Kitty, kitty. I wont tell. Biatch you know you want to.

Mark in DE said...

Even God took a day of rest. Enjoy!!!

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