Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Go Yankees!


Chris (Topher) said...

But the Oriole's are better! :P

Dan said...

That last one has my name written all over him. I will forgive him for not wearing a Cubs hat.

Jesús V. said...

Hot and marvellous Yankees!!!

Kisses, David.

R said...

Hot group of guys - wish they were wearin' Red Sox caps tho. ;)

Eric Arvin said...


Wonder Man said...

such dirtiness

Anonymous said...

right there with you R!

Angel said...

#1 and #7 should be delivered to my house PRONTO!!! My boobies need some lovins.

behrmark said...

Dare I mention the 2001 World Series? GO D'BACKS!! (Although I admit your selection of Yankee fans is quite - er - arousing!)

David Dust said...

For all you non-Yankees fans ... I challenge you to find 7 pictures of hotter men wearing YOUR team's cap.

>P, b.

me said...

would love me some onf the Dominican guy in the last pick. Memo to self= tour washington heights

Unknown said...

#1...GO YANKEES!!!

Mark in DE said...

Who knew there were so many hot Yankees fans?

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