Friday, April 3, 2009

My Walk Home

I walked home again last night, but this time I thought I would pay attention to what happened and blog about it. I even took some pictures (although some of the pics below were found on The Google).

Less than 2 minutes after starting my walk, I spied chef Mario Batali on his Vespa scooter - wearing shorts and those ridiculous orange Crocs...

A few blocks later, in Chelsea, I saw drag entertainer Raven O. She is hard to miss...

I passed the OMG(!) Jeans Store. However, I think this store pre-dates the Internet - so I'd love to know what O.M.G. really stands for...

As I often do, I stopped by my favorite Dollar Store - Jack's 99 Cents on 32nd Street...

At that point I REALLY had to pee - so I zipped over to Macy's on 34th Street to use the facilities. Macy's was the location of my first NYC job, so I know where all the bathrooms are in the enormous store...

Then I remembered that Penn State was playing for the NIT championship at Madison Square Garden last night, so I stopped by and took pictures of the students entering the arena...

At one point I was trying to get a picture of a hottie student who was trying to buy tickets, when this cute Papi walked up to me and exclaimed "TAKE MY PEET-CHUR!!". When a cute Papi tells me to do something, I do it - and I LOVE the pose...

After I left Madison Square Garden, I headed up 8th Avenue - still one of the classiest thoroughfares in the city...

Still heading north, I had to fight my way through crowds of tourists making their way to the various Broadway theaters...

With a lump in my throat and a tear in my eye, I passed the space that used to be my favorite go-go boy bar - Stella's. It is now an Irish pub for straight tourists...

The "Cellar Bar" arrow (below) is pointing directly to where I used to sit and fondle watch the go-go dancers...

Finally, after more than an hour of walking and detours, I made my way to the front door of my glamorous building. Home sweet home...


Miss Ginger Grant said...

I love that the Papi wanted a peetchur! You think he could feel the Papi lovin' vibes ememating from your body?

Eric Arvin said...

You're like Dorothy Gale or Alice going through Wonderland! :-)

Unknown said...

LOVE the photos...

Dan said...

you are a papi magnet!

Renee said...

NYC is really exciting but it's a billion times more interesting when you blog about it.

the dogs' mother said...

Fun! You gotta do this again!

Sam said...

David, you are to funny ho. You are my bestest ho.

Anonymous said...

More of these posts, sweetie. I love the pictures, makes me imagine what it would be like to be a cool New Yorker instead of a frump housewife in the burbs!

Angel said...

oh Tranny....I LOVED this!!! This was FABULOUS! Do more of these tours, will ya?


love you, love yer hair!


Papagayo said...

i love OMG! nothing like getting amazing service from 19 year olds... i'm serious- i'm always impressed with the customer service they provide! nice post!

Beth said...

This was so much fun! I also hope you do more of these so I can visit NYC vicariously until the next time we can make our way there.

Mario Batali...ugh. I can't say for sure, because I've never met the guy, but he strikes me as a big jerk--and I've read that some people say he really IS a big jerk. He was seriously wearing his orange crocs on his scooter? What a look!

Hugs, Beth

David Dust said...

Yep, Mario Batali was wearing orange crocs. Not cute.

alnhouston said...

btw...your Nittany Lions WON!!! congrats.

Unknown said...

Hope you didn't forget to pick up the yellow pages on your way up.

Maybe what we need to do is plan field trips for Dust Bunnies - weekend excursions for NYC tours with cameras!

Mark in DE said...

This was a fun little "slice of David's life" post. NYC is so awesome, and so are YOU!

MCWolfe said...

I just love living vicariously through you. So nice of you to share your wonderful home with those of us who are trapped in the suburbs. More, more.

Mistress Maddie said...

If you keep up walks like this you'll be in good shape by the end of summer Mame! That's a very nice walk.

Wonder Man said...

Now I really miss NYC

shirlnutkin said...

thanks for letting me walk home with you! i loved that you even shared your bladder moment. have lots of fun walking home more & more!

Joy said...

I love this tour of your walk home and especially your commentaries! Please do more! Thank you for doing this! Wish I were there!!!!

Maybe we all should do that, so we can see what each other sees. Sam's videos and commentaries of the states are great! I still go back and drool over Miss Ginger's closet and pantry!! It was fun to see Dan's new house, FP's pond and GB's photos, Charlie's redecorating and gardens, and now that I'm listing realize that I'm leaving out a bunch of people but you get the idea!!!

Love you! Love your walking tours!! xoxoxoxoxoxo

Timmy said...

As often as I have visited NYC, it was great to see it the David Dust's eyes!

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