Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Spotted At The Dollar Store

After work I decided to get some exercise (I know, right?!?), so I walked to my old standby Dollar Store (which is a 1 1/2 mile trip).  Upon entering I immediately spied a tall and handsome HOTTAY who was inspecting the eggs more thoroughly than the Department of Agriculture.  For the purposes of this post I will simply call him A.M., because when the names of certain "actors" from a particular genre of "movies" get mentioned on the blog, my advertisers (and the pennies I get from it) tend to go away.

And just to prove that I don't make these things up, here is a grainy cell phone pic of A.M. purchasing his basket of dairy products.

NOTE:  Unfortunately if you use his name in the comments I'll have to hit the "REJECT" button on your ass.  I REALLY need those advertising pennies!!!


Anonymous said...

i wouldn't mind sorting through his "basket" honey.....and I'm lactose free ya hear!

Anonymous said...

Very fun! I love the Dollar Store. You don't know what or who you will see!

Marker said...

YUM. LOVE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

A friend of mine saw him at the SF airport.

Anonymous said...

Dude, NYC Dollar stores get a far nicer clientele than my pathetic Dollar Tree. Never any hunks, just sad little crackheads. :(

Peter Maria said...

Well, "A.M." is taller than I'd imagined, which is always a plus. Did you say hello?

David Dust said...

Peter -

In true New Yorker fashion, I pretended to ignore him. Although he kept catching me staring - so I guess I wasn't too successful. Oh, and I looked like HELL - I had just walked 1 1/2 miles in the heat and humidity and was drenched in sweat. Not ideal conditions for me to introduce myself.


Miss Ginger Grant said...

You are such a penny whore! That's why I love you!

Joy said...

You just see all kinds of people and fortunately let us know about it!

Dwight Supremacy said...

SOOOOOO JEALOUS!!!! I love A.M.! He can put all his eggs in my basket! LOL.

I soooo wanna get his American Apparel towel: http://store.americanapparel.net/butttwl.html

AgnesGooch said...

Why is he buying his eggs at a dollar store?

David Dust said...

Dearest Agnes -

I guess the "movie" business isn't as lucrative as one would imagine.


Guy Gardner said...

good gravy I'm jealous...just looking at those calves on dude are enough to get me hot and bothered

David Dust said...

Guy -

His body looked phenomenal.

Thanks for the comment!



Unknown said...

oh yeah, he's very tall. if i recall correctly, i thought he was huge when i first saw him.

Unknown said...

oh, you mean, Abenezer Micholson! i've seen him twice in NY already. i don't like how beefy he's become, i enjoyed his "movies" when he was much leaner. you know, he doesn't just do movies, he also, uhm..., "accompanies" some gentlemen of a certain age and income. what dollar store is this? can't be the one i go to... :-)

David Dust said...

Todd -

Yeah, this was my 2nd "Abe" (LOL!) sighting also. I must say, he looked much leaner at the Dollar Store than in the top picture I posted.

Must be all those eggs he's eating...


David Dust said...

... as a matter of fact, his body looked PERFECT.

David Dust said...

The Dollar Store is Jack's 99 Cents on 32nd Street near Penn Station.

Mark in DE said...

Again, you with your celebrity-studded NYC life!! :-)

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