Monday, April 6, 2009

Birdbath By Mama Bunny...

My mother is VERY artsy-fartsy - she has painted, created stained-glass art, and is currently acting and helping to create the sets for a local community theater production. Unfortunately none of her Madd artistic Skillz rubbed off on me - but thankfully her intelligence and wit did ... at least a little.

The picture above is a homemade birdbath that my mother created - using teapots, plates, and a large bowl. Everything was bought at yard sales, flea markets, and the local Goodwill/Salvation Army. She uses industrial-strength bonding glue to hold everything together, and Voila! ... you have a fun birdbath. Isn't that the cutest thing you've ever seen?!?

She doesn't just use teapots - she has used crystal and all kinds of other glass - and each birdbath is completely unique. And believe it or not, they are extremely sturdy. But as cute as these birdbaths are, I must constantly remind Mom (especially before my birthday) that I live in Manhattan and I don't need a birdbath. The pigeons can find plenty of places to drink.

In the coming weeks I'll share more of Mama Bunny's creations with you. By the way, Mom has A Few Birdbaths FOR SALE - if you are interested in buying, please send me an email.


Adirondackcountrygal said...

That is a great bird bath, gave me some ideas!

Angel said...

Tranny, that is THE cutest bird bath I have ever seen! Your Mama is very talented. I love it! Do you think she'd mind if I copied it? My birds need someplace to bathe besides the puddle in my driveway!


Miss Ginger Grant said...

How adorable!! She should sell those on Ebay! Miss Ginger would buy one!

the dogs' mother said...

:-) Looking forward to future installments of Mama Bunny's creations!

Renee said...

It's so beautiful. Go Mama Bunny!

Psychomom said...

Que suave! Just what I've been wanting for the casita. I am also inspired by Mama Bunny and will attempt to make my own southwestern style birdbath, there may be terra cotta involved. XOXOXO

Anonymous said...

From Mama Bunny --
Imagine my surprise when I found myself mentioned on your blog -- right after porn star Anthony Gallo. Actually, I'm flattered you didn't mention "Mama Bunny" and "White Meat" in the same sentence. Thank you so much for your generous praise. BTW, the particular birdbath you showed is not for sale because I gave it away. I have several other glass birdbaths, including 3 in our front yard. They are beautiful in the sun. If anyone is interested, please email me for more photos.
Love you and love your hair -
Mama Bunny XOXOXO

Jimmy said...

Very 'Alice in Wonderland'

JenM said...

I love this Mama Bunny creation! I am making it my mission to fashion a lovely birdbath in her honor this summer! My front yard is SCREAMING for such a piece of art.

Beth said...

That is adorable. I've seen small planters, bird feeders, etc., made out of teacups and pots, but I've never seen a bird bath. Your Mom is very talented and creative!

Hugs, Beth

Wonder Man said...

cute bird bath

Mark in DE said...

What a clever and beautiful project! Mama Bunny may have gotten the artz skillz, but you got the menz skillz, so you tell ME who's having more fun?

Joy said...

How cute!! I'm looking forward to more of her creations!

Anonymous said...

Mama Bunny needs an Etsy store! Those are so adorable!

Anonymous said...

This is fantastic. I just love it.

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