Monday, April 6, 2009

White Meat Monday Supermodel of the Day - Jonathan Waud

As many of you know, Jonathan Waud is one of the modeltestants on the current season of Make Me A Supermodel.

Take a look at what Jonathan looked like BEFORE he became a model...


Adirondackcountrygal said...

A bit too thin, reminds me of David Bowie.

Angel said...

he was pretty hot before too. I love his hard body and the tatt, and his short hair. I think he's got a real shot of winning, but will we see him when he wins? I haven't seen that girl that won the first one since the show!


mikeinbama said...

Boy has he come a long way.

Tom A. said...

get him a sandwich- STAT!

The Cock Showh said...

I like

Dan said...

I hope he wins. not only is he hot as hell, but he is the only ine that seems nice!

Unknown said...

Yowza! I'd take one of those for lunch, please!

Mark in DE said...

Although Jonathan is not my "type" (ie: he's blond, thin, and has no body hair), I must admit that there is something quite sexy about him. I think he'll be in the top 3.

Timmy said...


Anonymous said...

that picture was taken when he was modeling..not before.. i took it so i know :)

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