Thursday, May 7, 2009

Daddy of the Day - Thales Leites

Well THIS is interesting...

Thales Leites, 28, is a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu fighter who was born in Rio de Janeiro. Check out his official site HERE.


Anonymous said...

i'd like to be the mouth in that picture - looks like he can suck down some brazilian love milk for breakfast.


Marker said...


Mark in DE said...

Interesting indeed! Do you think that last one is really him, or a look-alike?

David Dust said...

Mark -

It's definitely him. A photographer did a series of shots of him in various poses (including the one in the white spandex shirt) - and this was one of them.


Chucho Perusquía said...

hahaha the first comment is so sick...
Is it me or his smile is cute?

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