Thursday, May 28, 2009

Prince Harry Hits NYC

Britain's Prince Harry will make his first formal visit to New York City tomorrow, which just happens to coincide with Drunken Dust Bunny Weekend. Coincidence?? Well, Prince Hottie DOES enjoy a cocktail (or 15)...

Harry, if you're reading this, please meet us at 9:00 pm at Pieces Bar on Saturday night!


Beth said...

OMG, can you imagine running into Prince Harry?! He's adorable!

Miss Ginger Grant said...

Wuncha just DIE if he showed up?!

Anonymous said...

Noticed your followers are nearly 200 now....maybe royalty is now following you too!!!

Hope you guys have a great weekend...I will be moving...bummer!

But will be thinking at least I don't have a freakin' hangover.

Have a great time everyone and will look forward to the posts after the weekend!

LB anon

Anonymous said...

Mama Bunny sez:
I regret to inform you I will be unable to attend the festivities associated with the Drunken Dust Bunny Weekend ... you DID want your mother hanging out with you, didn't you? Didn't get that invite.
Have a wonderful time!!!

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't you fudge your undies if he did?

Mistress Maddie said...

Oh boy, I could become a queen after all!

Marker said...

That last picture of Harry rules - Way to go!

I can't wait to meet him.

Joy said...

Catch Prince Harry before he falls!

Unknown said...

I'd do him.

Kanani said...

Good lord, he's a drunk!

Hey, David... not sure if you've seen this article but could you run something about LTC Victor Fehrenbach?
There's a photo and picture here. (Plus he was on Rachel Maddow)

Anonymous said...

Harry is the hottie, but I still like Wills (which is what I understand is his nickname).


Mark in DE said...

Miss Spent Youth - LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

he's definitely gotten better looking with age

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