Saturday, May 16, 2009


My Pittsburgh blogger buddy, Dwight Supremacy, has a continuing series on his blog called "SIRveillance". It's a brilliantly simple idea: Dwight snaps pictures of hotties on the streets of his fair city, and then shares these pics with his readers.

I decided to do my own version of SIRveillance today - calling it PAPIveillance. I went down to the Ninth Avenue Food Festival and just started taking pictures. I must say, I was quite happy with the results...

NOW do you bitches understand why I live in New York City?...


H2B said...

damn I miss my NYC papi!

Wonder Man said...

I do...good lord! That cop is dangerous!

AGB said...

I love it, I've been doing this kind of thing for a while snapping random pics of folks with my cell phone. I did one post from the barbershop.

This is hot ! I also do this in the gym and call it "Gym Cam".

Looks like the guy in the Jets shirt was staring dead at you.

Beth said...

Not to rain on your parade, but be careful with this, David. Some folks might not enjoy having their faces put up on a blog! I usually try to get permission, even if it's relatives. XOXO Beth

Chris (Topher) said...

How's the International Food Festival?

Anonymous said...

I'm a lawyer and Beth is right. You better hope those people don't get upset. They could go after you. Taking the picture is not illegal, but using it in a public forum without permission is very illegal. Just an FYI

David Dust said...

What are they going to do, sue me??? I have about $60.00 in my wallet right now, no bank accounts, no investments, no property, no possessions of any value, and thousands of thousands of dollars of debt.

Good luck with that...

David Dust said...

...besides, what makes these pictures any different from the other hottie pictures I post every day? If I tried to get permission for each picture, I'd never be able to post anything.

If anybody every wants me to take a picture down, all they have to do is send me an email.


behrmark said...

I believe the caution is more to not put yourself in harm's way. It's a sad reality but homophobia is still rampant. Just be safe Buddy.

Dwight Supremacy said...

So friggin' hot! You definitely have a higher concentration of hot material to work with. Jealous!

Mistress Maddie said...

Mame- I love that guy in picture 2! Gawd, is he hot! I'm the piece he need right here! Love that shirt!

JNez said...

i'll take the jets fan with a quickness

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