Friday, May 22, 2009

Texas Mayor Picks Papi Over Politics

From Towleroad:

The Mayor has been PAPIMATIZED!! In other words, J.W. was chillin' south-of-the-border with his hot man and started thinking: "Hmmm ... should I go back to my Mayoral job (which only paid $600/year - WTF??), or should I stay here, have sex with my piece, and drink margaritas on the beach...?". Not much of a choice there, in my opinion. I would have done the same damn thing!

Personal side note: My Mom, Uncle and Aunt (who I had lunch with this week) all grew up in conservative San Angelo - and my grandparents still live there. Escandalo!


mikeinbama said...

David, if some Papi sweep you off your feet and you decide to quit this blog, I will have to cut him.

Angel said...

ahhhhh, the Power of the Papi!!!! Honey, I would do the very same thing....aint no shame in MY game!!!


Unknown said...

Sounds like a job worth leaving for much less.

the dogs' mother said...

So we, and the town, lose this great guy because he can't marry and have his spouse gain citizenship. This drives me nuts.

Beth said...

Escandalo...does that mean *gasp* scandal in San Angelo? [cue dramatic music here]

Hey, good for him! Sounds like he's got his priorities straight (so to speak) and sometimes you just have to go where the river takes you. XO Beth

Anonymous said...

YAY for love! It's rare to find a politician who values personal relationships. Viva la amore!

Miss Ginger Grant said...

Believe it or not:
I got nothin'!

Joy said...

What Frogponder said.

Anonymous said...

Mama Bunny sez:
I grew up in San Angelo where the First Baptist Church has a larger seating capacity than the convention center. That's where they believe Jesus turned water into grape juice. I wish I could be there just to witness the municipal pandemic of shock and outrage.
Viva el mayor!

Unknown said...

So, is there a reason this post immediately follows a 'Ride 'Em Cowboy' post?

Mark in DE said...

Well its good to see that SOME people have their priorities right!! Great story.

Anonymous said...

Ithink beaches are still my ambitionn over cities.but I'm not likely to find a papi up here. I'll have to setttle for a classic snowbunny.

Wonder Man said...

wow, that's love or good lust

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