Monday, May 11, 2009

Monday Weigh-In

There is NO way I'm stepping on a scale this week. Ima skurred as to what I may find out.

It all started on Thursday when I walked past White Castle and saw the picture of these little tiny pork barbecue sandwiches. And it's been downhill ever since...


Joy said...

I can't stand those White Castle greaseburgers, but those little bbq sandwiches look good!

Aw, go ahead and weigh. You'll just see how much you lost next week!

Anonymous said...

I've hidden my scales somewhere. It's not worth the hunt to find them.

Wonder Man said...

they do look good, but don't be scared, weigh in

Dan said...

Aunti Flame, Bite yout tongue! The reason we bought our house is because there is a White Castle three blocks away!

I have yet to try one of the BBQ, but I guess it has to be my mission now.

mikeinbama said...

OMG, they sale those little BBQ sandwiches down here year round. They also have BBQ chicken sandwiches and they are sooooooooo

Anonymous said...

Ohhhh, I'm so so glad we don't have White Castle. In n Out is bad enough.

I've eaten so much fast food and drunk so much soda this past two weeks, I can actually feel a difference in my body and skin! Today I'm starting over.

Just don't feel like you failed. You slipped up and the best thing to do is get right back up. Everytime you choose not to eat fast food is a victory.

You rock, sweetie!

C'est moi, c'est moi Lola said...

Oh, c'mon David! If I can hop on a scale after indulging in chinese take-out, beer, and bratwurst this weekend, I think you can!

Also, you may be pleasantly surprised: I got dressed this morning and realized I needed a new notch in my belt to make it smaller.

David, don't stop now!

Mark in DE said...

I didn't know they had White Castle in Manhattan.

Don't give up, David Darling!!! Consider it a temporary setback, not defeat.

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