Thursday, May 28, 2009

I'm On Twitter ...

... although I have no idea why. Seriously, Twitter seems a little bit creepy and stalkerish. It would help if I had someone to show me how to link to my blog posts and stuff like that. And FYI: the only thing my phone can do is make/receive calls and play the radio - I have NO interests in Twittering (Tweetering? Twattering? Tootying?) on my cell phone. Even if I knew how.

Anywhore, if you'd like to follow me on Twitter (and really, who WOULDN'T?) go HERE. I think.


Unknown said...

so I see...

Ian said...

Baby Boy, DaaaaaVid, Welcome to the wonderful world of Twitter. Too bad Tony Harris just told me they're gonna start charging for the damn thing by year's end.

Look me on twitter under "IanSez"

Anonymous said...

Twattering...I'm dying over here.

Miss Ginger Grant said...

What's the difference between twitter and facebook, other than a different group of people is making money off of it?

Beth said...

While I haven't entirely embraced Twitter, I do find it fun for following certain people who have a great sense of humor (Meghan McCain, "Dwight" from The Office, a couple of guys from MST3K) and just for putting up a line here and there. I sort of like the 'random thoughts' aspect of it. I'm still not entirely sure about putting up links to entries or other sites, but I think that if you paste in the link, it will automatically make it smaller. XO Beth

Angel said...

"Twattering"? I thought you were GAY??????!


Lelio said...

I haven't used it myself, but twitterfeed is a web thing that will automatically update your twitter with a link every time you make a blog post.

Like I said, I haven't used it myself so I don't know how easy it is to use. :/ But thanks for the add on Twitter! xD I had a little fangasm when I checked my e-mail and saw "David Dust? Is following ME?"

Joy said...

We did this earlier and are following each other like the blind leading the blind. Maybe I can figure some of it out from Yorsh and Lelio's instructions.

Unknown said...

I use Twitter so I can stalk some of my favorite indie-gay-boys and not get arrested.

SailorAlphaCentauri said...

I was contemplating getting a Twitter account so that I could post shorter blog entries, but considering the fact that I have at least 47 different entry points to the internet (7 e-mail accounts, three neglected blogs, myspace, facebook, countless message boards, etc.) I refuse to jump on the Twitter train.

kayce. said...

it's easy to link your blog posts... twitter will automatically shorten the links for you using (or you can use,,, whatever). just copy and paste the link into the text field and add a little note abt what it is. i.e. "daddy of the day, jorge garcia:"

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