Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Happy Birthday Lenny Kravitz

The hotness that is Lenny Kravitz turns 45-years-old today. He recently Twittered (tweeted? ... tooted? ... twittied? ...twatted?) about getting caught on someone's camera phone while taking a shower in Madrid...



Anonymous said...

How does that work? It's his birthday and WE get the present! Happy Birthday, Lenny.

Anonymous said...

Not a very stealthy stalker eh? I could sneak better than that.

Joy said...

Funny, Charlie! Nice present!

Angel said...

booty, booty, BOO-TAY!!!!


Please tell me we'll see him walking the streets of NYC!!!

Dwight Supremacy said...

Drool!!! But not "twatted" ... never "twatted"!!! Hahah.

Marker said...

Is that supposed to be the camera phone pic? That's some camera phone pic.

What a sweet can, though. Nom nom nom . . .

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