Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Jack Bauer: UNLEASHED!

Keifer Sutherland attended the big Costume Institute Gala on Monday night, and then went to an after-party at the SubMercer bar. At the after-party, secret agent Jack Bauer got his drunken panties in a twist about something, and head-butted fashion designer Jack McCollough. The fashionista ended up spending the night in the hospital with a broken nose.

McCollough (above left) is one half of the cutie Proenza Schouler design team. Details are sketchy, but apparently the fight had something to do with Brooke Shields. What-to-the-Fuck is THAT all about?!??!?? Keifer, who is married, got all hockeyfight on McCoullough, who is openly gay, over Brook Shields??? Something stinks at CTU...

Mr. Sutherland has spent more than his fair share of time drunk in bars ... sometimes without pants...

... so goodness knows what really happened.

UPDATE: HERE is the latest information from the New York Daily News.


Bob said...

This makes me sad, because every time I've seen him interviewed he seems so sweet and nice and mellow, and then you hear stories like this.



theminx said...

Aww...not cutie-pie Jack Mc! Sutherland is a freak - and are his panties stained? Ewww....


C'est moi, c'est moi Lola said...

Hon, if Mr. McCollough was partly responsible for Brooke's clownish makeup & styling at the Met gala, he deserved it. Or maybe McCoullough opened his big mouth about it and Keifer decided to teach him some manners.

Wow. He attacks a defenseless Christmas Tree in a European hotel. Now a fashion designer. I thought he used to be a 'fun' drunk! Someone's taking 'method' acting too far, but watching him walk around without his pants would be nice.

Marker said...

I did not know Jack Mc was so adorbs!! I want to see more of Mr. Sutherland sans pants.

Bryan said...

haha maybe HE needs to check out my blog...

And btw - check out my blog (just click on my name) called Personal Development and Growth, Your Guide to Self-Improvement and Personal Growth- it's worth checking out and thought I would share! I'm trying to not just make new friends but also help friends, new and old alike. Take care!

Dan said...

If i was in a bar and Keifer dropped his pants while sitting at a table, I wouldnt be standing there looking, I would be under said table!

Beth said...

That's too bad. A mean drunk is NOT fun to be around. I hope he can get a handle on it, or he could really screw up his career. XO

Mark in DE said...

Can you say "hot mess"???

JenM said...

Maybe Chloe can open a socket and help us get to the bottom of this. I hope Jack doesn't go dark.....we would miss him.

Wonder Man said...

I will still love him

Anonymous said...

How sad. Seems like if you're learninf=g from those things, the lesson is don't drink, but what do I know?

Joy said...

This is just weird. And he needs to quit drinking. He doesn't do it well.

Kwana said...

Oh No! Not my Jack. Maybe there really was something in those Bio canisters. But really just sad.

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