You guys always crack me up when I do a "Caption This" post. Take a crack at this one.
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Grandma had way too much time this year to make Christmas gifts...I had to at least take a picture so she thinks I use it...
Before The Snuggie there was The Cocoon. It had the added benefit of, when you took it off, you turned into a butterfly.
granny refused to pay $29.99 for a snuggie at rite aid when she could knit a nicer one for a lot cheaper!
"They said I need to be more avant garde'! Bitch i do that with no effort! Gaze upon my success you fewls!"
I wondered what had happened o Qbert!
Irina imprisoned Althea into a knitted sweater, "Copy me at your peril!!" She shrieked. "Say it! Say it! I invented oversized sweaters! Say it or you'll never get out!!"
Insert dick for HOT BJ !
lady gaga partners with the fine folks who gave you the snuggy to develop her own line of lounge wear.
"This season, on project Runway: Omaha.............."
Her mind was made up: She was NEVER going to wear that awful birka again.
Mama Bunny Loves You!
You know, Sylvia -- the mere sight of your fingers and toes really turns me on.
Mama Bunny Again - Wait - I got more
No dear -- I don't think it makes you look fat.
Mama Bunny on a roll!
Oddly enough, Maxine was the only member of her knitting group who was experiencing cold flashes.
PLEASE! Can we turn up the heat? My feet are cold.
Finally, they came out with a ski mask for the Cyclops...
"Aw Granny, you knitted me a body condom. You shouldn't have. Really..."
Tsk, tsk. Should've used Woolite.
Gaga gags.
Jane was so proud of her first knitting project she refused to take it off.
After the long fall to planet Earth, It realized It was on the verge of dehydration.
I am naked under this
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