I have always loved Martha Stewart. Rachael Ray? ... not so much. So when I read about Martha telling it like it T-I-IS about Ms. Ray, I was absolutely thrilled.
In an interview with Nightline, former Federal Prison Inmate No. 55170-054 didn't hold back...
Stewart said "Well, to me, [Rachael Ray] professed that she could -- cannot bake. She -- just did a new cookbook which is just a re-edit of a lot of her old recipes. She -- and that's not good enough for me."
Martha added that writing a cookbook is "a unique and lasting thing. Something that will really fulfill a need in someone's library. Rachael is different. She is more of an entertainer ... with her bubbly personality, than she is a teacher, like me. That's not what she's professing to be."
Oh, that is simply delicious. NO ONE does superior beeyotch better than Martha. And I love how she uses the terms "bubbly" and "entertainer" but we all know she actually meant "loathsome" and "dirtyroadwhore".
BTW - could these two women look any LESS comfortable in that picture (top)? Rachael looks like she wants to run, and Martha looks like she is ready to squash a bug.
In an interview with Nightline, former Federal Prison Inmate No. 55170-054 didn't hold back...
Stewart said "Well, to me, [Rachael Ray] professed that she could -- cannot bake. She -- just did a new cookbook which is just a re-edit of a lot of her old recipes. She -- and that's not good enough for me."
Martha added that writing a cookbook is "a unique and lasting thing. Something that will really fulfill a need in someone's library. Rachael is different. She is more of an entertainer ... with her bubbly personality, than she is a teacher, like me. That's not what she's professing to be."
Oh, that is simply delicious. NO ONE does superior beeyotch better than Martha. And I love how she uses the terms "bubbly" and "entertainer" but we all know she actually meant "loathsome" and "dirtyroadwhore".
BTW - could these two women look any LESS comfortable in that picture (top)? Rachael looks like she wants to run, and Martha looks like she is ready to squash a bug.
Miss Ginger absolutely DESPISES Rachel Ray!! Why does that little bitch always yell!? Girl, I'm right here... if I have trouble hearing you, I'll turn up the TV!
And you KNOW Miss G LOVES her some Martha! It's more of an idolization thing, really. I think we might be twins separated at birth. Only we had different mothers. And we were born in different places.
Rachel Ray is puff pastry.
Martha's the real deal.
Long Live The Queen.
LOL ... but I do agree with Martha ... I never come away from watching Rachel do anything as though I learned something useful or something I would ask my kitchen staff (if I had one!) to create!
I will say it ... Rachel lowers the bar as far as I am concerned.
LOL - you are correct on all counts, David Darling!
I can't stand Martha Stewart, but I don't care for Rachel Ray, either.
(Yes, I'm gay, and I don't like Martha. THERE - I said it! ;) )
yes, it's true, martha is way superior than rachel, but martha is a CRAZY ASS ANAL RETENTIVE DICTATRESS FROM HELL. did you see the part where she has her staff collect all the pink gravel on her driveway every year, wash it and then store it away for the winter? and in the spring they bring it all out again and spread it around? is this beeeyotch insane or what?????????????
NOT a Rachel fan. Irritating as hell. I didn't use to care for Martha, but I have a newfound respect for her. She has a wicked wit! XOXO Beth
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