Did anyone see the pilot episode last week for "V" - the remake of the 80's miniseries of the same name? I caught it on Hulu over the weekend, and I was glad I did.

I LOVED the old "V" miniseries (above) when it was broadcast back in 1983, but I only recall two things from the original. First, the evil reptile leader Diana satifying her HONGRAYS with a delicious Guinea Pig...
And the shocking birth of the reptile "V Baby" ...

Who could forget that?!? V got HUGE ratings at the time, and 40 million Americans gasped in unison when they saw that green critter pop out. And to this day I STILL call ugly infants "V Babies".
The new V airs on ABC on Tuesdays at 8:00 pm. I'll definitely be watcing tonight.
i've heard lots of folks talking about it, and all of them favorably, so i think i might just watch the pilot on hulu, too. if i likee, i'll watch the new ep tonight. thanks for reminding me!
it's promising
I like it too. I thought they raced through the pilot a little too quickly. I was hoping for a 2 hour event, but on the whole, I was impressed. And I love Elizabeth Mitchell.
David, I laughed out loud when you mentioned that you call ugly babies "V Babies".
As a testament to the ugliness of the original hybrid, while watching that scene in the series marathon the other week my sister kept on imploring me,"Change the channel! CHANGE IT!" "It's just a stupid hand-puppet with green goo..." "CHANGE THE F*@^&! CHANNEL". What a wuss!
I still love Diana's blown out 'do. VERY 80's!
Missed the pilot last week, but hope to record it tonight.
Mame I can not tell you how I LOVED V the mini series!!! And the old show. I have the whole thing on VHS and watch it at least once a year. I did see the new show, and while it is good, I didn't think it was quite as good as the old one. And the villin Anna does not even begin to compare to the ruthless, evil, backstabbing, convinning, and devious doings of the fabulous Diana! I don't think the show will make it long though.
I have only the vaguest memories of the original V, but I saw that they cast one of the Firefly cast and was intrigued. I need to watch it on Hulu and see if there's room on my DVR.
It is on now, and I caught the pilot as well. Hope that it is fantastic!!
this is on my DVR for sure...I like the first epi...hope it keeps up..So far its a thumbs up!!!
I watched it and liked it so far. Plus, I think Morena Bacarin is kick ass, so that helps. And how nerdy of a kid was I that when I watched the 80's version I was thinking, "there's no way a human and alien can mate and have babies". I'm hoping that they don't do that storyline over. There's "suspension of disbelief", and there's effing stupid.
I loved the 80's mini-series and I still remember it well - I later saw it on videotape. There was also an 80's series later on? - might be mistaken bout that but for some reason it rings a bell!
Steve A -
Yes, there was a series - but I think it only lasted one season.
Haven't seen it, but I like Elizabeth Mitchell. It's hard not to think about her as the Lost character.
@ Jennie,
I tuned in because of the Firefly connection too! I'll follow them wherever they go. :) And they actually cast 2 Firefly actors, Morena and Alan Tudyk, but :::SPOILER ALERT::: they freakin killed him off at he end by stabbing him in the chest!! WTF?! I am so sick of seeing Wash die! Bah!
Oh and David, if you have yet to see Firefly, GO RENT IT NOW!! You will love it, I promise! Not only does Joan aka Christina Hendricks aka Saffron as I knew her first from Firefly make a few appearances, Nathan Fillion is dreamy, you get to see his bum and the show is all around awesome!
wow those are the only two things I remember about V also! Except that the V baby was an unknown twin of a 'human' baby that was born first!
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