I always recommend that you wash and rinse well before using...
All items featured on DavidDust.com, unless otherwise noted, are copyrighted to their respective owners. DavidDust makes NO claims as to the sexual orientation of any person pictured and claims no credit for any images featured on this site. All images were found via non-pay sites on the internet and are considered free to use.
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The beefy bear in the blue towel is a long-time favorite of mine. Got wet bear? Got tongue, will travel. Woof! Behr Hugs!
I agree with Behrmark!
OMG!!! Who are #3 and the last one. Theyre SOO damn fine!
ALL, please.
#4 and 6!
what's #1's name again?
is #2 rey kong again?
i just love sandro and rémy (last one). wish i could see more of rémy. or both. together.
Todd -
#1 is Ricky Gonzalez. CLICK HERE to see more.
Do you know where I could find more pics of Remy?
david, i don't have any more of his pics. i've posted them all to yahoogroups.
The guy in the first pic wore gloves to keep his spray tan from turning his hands orange but he pulled them up to far and they made a line at his wrist.
Not that I would have any knowledge of such things.....
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