In this case, would there even be a GOOD 'twin'?...
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That's absofuckinlutely SCARE-EEE!
There CANNOT be 2 of those!
i know you have no control over the ad content, guess whose book you were plugging on this post....IRONY!
we are not going east for the holidays. have you ever entertained the idea of a midwestern dust bunny convention? do dust bunnies go camping?
drive safe on the way to PA
begeezus, i didn't know anything could be dumber than GWB, but heck, the republicans went out and found one...
OMFG...Could Sarah be the First of a new group of Humaniod Cylons.
Oh! That's funny, and disturbing and the ads make it very spooky!!
She will be here soon!
Miss A: Dust Bunnies might go camping but Drage Queens definitley don't This gurl's idea of camping is a Marriott with no room service!
That's bizarre! Yikes!
No, Dust Bunnies do not go camping unless it's in a climate controlled cabin with all the amenities supplied by cabin boys.
Miss A -
I'd go camping with you ... I've seen pictures of your (extremely neat and organized) campsite!
Holy crap, I'm going have me some nightmares. Palin Zombies marching over DC, droning "You Betcha...Rogue Braaaaaains."
That's a special kind of obsession right there. "I think she's great, so I'm gonna look juuuust liiiiike her!" Fucking nutcases. Jeez. XOXO
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