Yesterday was Sesame Street's 40th anniversary. And since I'm 42 years old, Sesame Street is the show I identify most with my childhood. In fact, I'm almost positive that everything I ever needed to know I learned from Sesame Street, Mr. Rogers Neighborhood and Schoolhouse Rock.
I LOVED the entire cast ... Bob, Gordon, Maria ... and ESPECIALLY Luis, the Handyman (below)...

Aye, Papi!
I also loved Oscar the Grouch. His song, I Love Trash, became the anthem that will forever describe my dating life...
Does anyone remember THIS song, which was first shown on Sesame Street in 1969 - and later became the very first song performed on The Muppet Show? Here is the original Sesame Street version...
However, there WERE a couple of things that pissed me off about Sesame Street as a child. First of all, HOW IN THE HELL DID NOBODY SEE SNUFFLELUPAGUS (except Big Bird) UNTIL 1985?!? That drove me INSANE as a child.

And, finally, I never liked the annoying Count Von Count. Math was never my thing...

Happy Anniversary Sesame Street!
I LOVED the entire cast ... Bob, Gordon, Maria ... and ESPECIALLY Luis, the Handyman (below)...

Aye, Papi!
I also loved Oscar the Grouch. His song, I Love Trash, became the anthem that will forever describe my dating life...
Does anyone remember THIS song, which was first shown on Sesame Street in 1969 - and later became the very first song performed on The Muppet Show? Here is the original Sesame Street version...
However, there WERE a couple of things that pissed me off about Sesame Street as a child. First of all, HOW IN THE HELL DID NOBODY SEE SNUFFLELUPAGUS (except Big Bird) UNTIL 1985?!? That drove me INSANE as a child.

And, finally, I never liked the annoying Count Von Count. Math was never my thing...

Happy Anniversary Sesame Street!
oscar was my favorite too! ^_^ it says oh so much about the adult i turned into, lol. was grover sesame street or muppet show? i can never remember, but i liked his crazy ass, too. :D
anyway, i wonder if there is a lot to be told about someone's personality based on which sesame street character they liked best? maybe there's a facebook quiz for this, LOL...
Happy 40th to the Street gang! How I loved that show. Cookie Monster and the Count were my favorite!
Kayce - Grover was Sesame Street - and also one of my favorites. He was like Elmo on crack.
And I would bet money there is a BookFace quiz SOMEWHERE like that!
The twins loved 'Street'. Interestingly Gorilla Boy never watched it, never watched any TV and he turned out to be dyslexic - I always wondered if that was a clue.
I was nine when Sesame Street began, and since I have a younger brother & sister who were the right age I watched it now & then. It wasn't geared for someone my age, but I could see it was a good show for the right age.
Of course I remember Manamana!
I LOVE Grover! The sketches when he was a waiter, tormenting that poor balding man were my favorites as a kid.
40 years old. Astonishing.
Mom credits Sesame Street for turning me into an early reader.
My favorites were Bert & Ernie. Of course, even at 4 I knew that they were more than 'just roommates' and pushed those beds together at night. I was a nascent fruit fly. (Donohue came on shortly after Sesame Street, and while napping in front of the tv, I learned LOTS MORE about life outside the letters B, Z, and the number 5.)
The death of Mr. Hooper was also a good occasion for my mom to broach the subject of death and grief without it involving a family member.
Luis and Maria made speaking Spanish rock before that Dora kid showed up on TV....
I wish today's SS was a little less "Elmo-ized", because it did a lot for my generation, but the franchises abroad (the Palestinian-Israeli version and Ulitsa Sezam in Russia) are doing a lot for kids around the world.
That was one of my favorite childhood shows-that and Mr.Rogers :)
I remember watching this show at my neighbor's house because they had an antenna on their roof and could pick up the channel.
It was my dream to go to Sesame Street as a kid
Thanks for making this post. I heard this on NPR yesterday on my way to work, and wanted to make an entry, but had a meeting last night and just plain ran out of hours :o) Oscar and Big Bird are heros.
Definitely remember "Manamana" and loved it for Brian to learn from. He is 40, so it was always in his life. He watched Mr. Rogers and Electric Company, too. I loved the name Fargo North, Decoder. Rita Moreno and Morgan Freeman were on it, too. Wonderful shows - educational and entertaining!
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