Wednesday, June 4, 2008

About Last Night...

So GUESS WHO I met last night? Some of these people may look familiar to you…

Yes bitches, Daniel Franco, Kit Pistol, Kevin Christiana, Jack Mackenroth, Chris March, Sweet P Vaughn, and Victorya Hong had dinner in my restaurant last night – hosted by yours truly.

Laura K., the Empress of the Blogging Project Runway Empire, and I are friendly. When I found out she was coming to NYC, I suggested she come to my restaurant for dinner. She coyly told me she might bring a few friends. She arrived with Sweet P, Daniel, Kevin, and a couple members of her “entourage” (because that’s how she rolls). I went downstairs to introduce myself, and I was just so impressed by how NICE everyone was.

We got them seated at the table, and eventually Victorya, Jack, Chris, and finally Kit showed up. Laura introduced me as a “fellow blogger”, but later I heard someone ask what my blog was called. I CERTAINLY hope some of them didn’t go home and look me up – I talked some SHIT on most of those people! Except Daniel Franco, who was on the show before I started recapping it.

Which brings me to this point: when I was introduced to Victorya, I actually felt BAD for all the shit I said about her. It’s one thing to write snarky recaps about “characters” on a reality show – but it’s another entirely when you actually meet the person. Victorya could not have been nicer, and if I was in her shoes and read some of the stuff that was written about her, I would have crawled into a hole and never come out! So, if ANYONE from the gang I met last night happens to read this … I apologize for being so snarky. I did it in the name of “entertainment” ... for my Dust Bunnies ... so BLAME THEM! :)

I feel like "the Kathy Griffin of Bravo blogging". I am a D-list blogger whose whole schtick is talking shit about the “A-List” designers, cheftestants, dancetestests, etc. I always love Kathy’s stories about how awkward it is to actually meet these people after you have talked about them like a dog. In my case, it would have been more awkward if the Project Runway designers from last night had been familiar with my “work”. Thank goodness they weren’t.

Now don’t worry, this doesn’t mean I plan on pulling any punches during my upcoming Project Runway recaps. After all, I haven’t met any of the NEW bitches…yet.

Ok, so here is some dish. Kevin was my favorite – he was REALLY sweet and we chatted about the origins of my restaurant. And YES, he is straight – his girlfriend came as well. Just a really nice guy.

Sweet P is absolutely adorable. I think I was the most excited to meet her. You just WANT to hug her, she is THAT cute.

Jack was also REALLY sweet. And I have to say, he IS pretty damn sexy. Laura even took a picture of the two of us together – and maybe, just maybe, if the picture isn’t completely horrible I just might post it. By the way, Laura has promised to forward her pics to me, which I hope to share with you (with her permission, of course).

And finally, let me say this about Laura K. She is one of the nicest, sweetest, and most generous people you will ever meet. And considering the fact that she's plotting total worldwide blogging domination, I am extremely glad to be on her side.

Thanks again Laura to you and your gang for coming – it was a pleasure and an honor.

UPDATE: Here is the comment I just got from Laura K. herself:
Darling, we had a fabulous time last night. Everything was delicious, and we had excellent service. As soon as I return home, I will forward the CUTEST photo I took of you and Jack."


Angel said...









Angel said...

and have you ever seen the 80's movie "About Last Night" with Rob Lowe and Demi Moore????good movie!!!

you lucky biatch!!!! I cannot belive it!!!!! you have got to be a liar!!!!!


David Dust said...

TrannyBeth - I TOLD YOU that you would just die!!!!



Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha...I love it. I used to work in the card reading tearooms on 34th street and the one next to the Winter Gardens. I read cards and tealeaves for a living and met all the B'way stars that way. Frankly they were boring, but not their fault. Their lives were wrapped up in the next gig,backstage cat fights, and lovers who never lasted because they were on the road so much.
What you say is so's a whole different thing meeting them in person. At least I got to meet some of the greats.In any other context, such as being the guest reader at a party, I could never reveal that I had ever read any of them.
Congratulations. I am happy for your excitement ( AND YOUR COMMITTMENT TO BEING SNARKY AND ENTERTAINING.)

Margo said...

How awesome!!!! You must post the pics - PLEASE!!!

Unknown said...

Sweet Jesus! What a great list of designers, and you met them! I take it Dale wasn't there with Jack [and I have no idea if they are still dating]. I think it was great you got to meet them without the pressure of knowing they read what you wrote - although I would bet Victorya had read it, 'cause she seemed to research well. And I always thought Kevin was hot, despite the affliction of straightness.

Really, it is a shame they weren't familiar with the blog, for I bet many of them would have enjoyed your writing and humor. However, I am sure you sparkled during the conversation, and made an impression. And it is great that Laura K was such a great person, for she has a fantastic blog!

Unknown said...

Jack and Dale (from Top Chef 3) are my favorite gay couple, so unless they're off, you better behave yourself.

David Dust said...

Jack was BY HIMSELF last night ...


Dan said...

I can not believe you kept this from me!!!! I will get my revenge! I will withhold the pictures of me and Manuel Torres! That will teach you!

theminx said...

Fabulosity! Laura K is great, isn't she?

I think Jack and Dale broke up. I seem to remember finding a (long, boring) video online that had Steven Rosenberg and Dale and the chick talking to them said something about Dale needing a date or a boyfriend....

SailorAlphaCentauri said...

I am so jealous...especially since I would've loved to have met Chris (it's just as well; the last time I met someone famous I burst into tears...but the guy was really cool about it).

I'm actually not surprised that Victorya was actually nice in person; it seems that some of the "villians" on reality t.v. aren't that bad in real life (I have a friend who worked on a few reality shows, so I'll have to ask him more about it soon).

I got really excited when I saw the pictures of all of the designers you met (huge dork over here!), so I think it's really cool you got to meet them, and I really hope your pictures came out well enough that you'll post them. If we beg, will that help?

mikeinbama said...

That's so fucking cool! I'm so jealous.

You suck and not in the good way.....LOL

Kwana said...

WOW what a night! I bet some of them did know you but they were just playing it cool. You much get TONS of hits!!!! You are DAVID FREAKIN DUST baby!!!

I would have been peeing in my pants.

Thanks for sharing and I hope to see a pic tomorrow!

LauraK said...

Darling, we had a fabulous time last night. Everything was delicious, and we had excellent service. As soon as I return home, I will forward the CUTEST photo I took of you and Jack.

ell said...

I am so very, very, very jealous!!

I watch Project Runway (US original), Project Catwalk (UK), and Project Runway Canada. I can't get enough. So for you to actually meet some of them - well - did I mention I'm JEALOUS!

Anonymous said...

I'm with Beth. I'm screaming like a freakin' middle schooler over here. You definitely need to post these pics, dear.

I'm so happy to hear that Jack, Kevin and Sweet P all lived up to your expectations. And I have to say, I understand the whole Victorya thing. But those were my favorite part of the recaps, because dear LORD! she had a 'tude.

Thank you for sharing! As always, you rock.

Joy said...

Oh wow! This is so neat! What a wonderful night for you to get to schmooze with them and not have to look at them from afar. I'll bet they check out your blog. :-)

Please post the photo of you and Jack. We HAVE to see it!


Hugs, Darling David! xoxoxoxoxox

Marker said...

DDust, don't get too "star"-struck on us! I'm sure Victorya's on-air persona wasn't completely fake.

Jack was not with the hot Top Chef guy at the GLAAD Media Awards last month - for whatever that's worth. (NOW who's being a big starfucker?)

Photogs please!!

Mark in DE said...

OMG - that is SO FABULOUS!!!

Oh, and honey - don't fret for even a split second about dishin' the shit on your blog about Victorya. PLEASE!!! She deserved every clever jab.

Can't wait for the photos.

Mark :-)

Jimbo said...

YAY!! Too damn exciting!! Can't wait to see the pictures from the evening.

Romance said...

OMG!!!!! Screaming in glee from the SF Bay Area - and feeling lame I didn't get to read this post earlier...

Oh My Fucking God!!! How totally thrilling... star struck and not so much for me usually.. another time I will share lame fundraising party stories about people like Sharon Stone..

Anyhoooo.... post the pics!!!!!!!

How great and how well deserved - you are a great writer and its perfect that you got to meet the folks you have been entertaining us all with...

Big kisses from the coast (don't you hate it when we say that shit?)

The Girl You Used to Know said...

Dude! I would've peed my pants.

That's awesome! And I really wanna see the pics when you get them.

The Girl You Used to Know said...

Hehe. I just read the comments. Kwana and I are again, simpatico.

Jack Mackenroth said...

Hey Ms. Dust!!! It was fab to meet you. Thank you so much for hosting with the mosting. Dinner was delish.

All those PR peeps you met are fab. That's kinda the crew that still hangs out.

FYI Dale and I are just friends now. He is too wrapped up in opening his restaurant for me time. OX

Oh--And thanks for thinkin I'm sexy.

Big Kiss. I hope you didn't dish me too bad during the season.

Jack Mack

David Dust said...

Hey Jack -

Whatever you do - DO NOT go back and look at my Project Runway posts.........EVER. :)

As I said, it was a pleasure meeting you - stop by the restaurant any time...I'm buying!

Thanks for the comment - my "Dust Bunnies" will get a HUGE kick out of it!!!



Angel said...

I want to give Jack my first born....

Unknown said...

Actually, Beth, I was thinking of giving Jack something else...

TAMmommy said...


If only I didn't live in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the midwest.

Oh well, I am so excited that you got to met them! WOW! Loved it!!!

Anonymous said...

Jack Mackenroth is the hottest, sweetest most talented hunk of meat ever and if I were a gay man I would be all over him like a bad habit.

TLo said...

We're thrilled for you, David!

David Dust said...

Tom & Lorenzo - Thanks SO MUCH for your comment! What an honor it is for me to hear from you!!!

Thanks for stopping by and come back often, darlings!


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