Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Caption This...


Anonymous said...

" this is some serious shit man. I want to come live with you and be your lover forever."

David Dust said...

"I'd offer you my banana, but I see you already gulped most of it down..."

Amber LeMay said...

Excuse me, I seem to have my hands full and my penis is sticking out of my pants... can you help me?

David Dust said...

Good one Amber!!!!


mikeinbama said...

"Fuck two girls and a cup, I got a banana....you got a video camera"

Amber LeMay said...

I FInally got logged on here without TOO much trouble.

Stay cool... it's hot here in Vermont, too...

Angel said...

be,ieve it or not...my mind is blank! I can't think of anything really nasty! what's the world coming too?

Joy said...

Sorry, you failed the banana test.

Anonymous said...

"there must be SOMETHING I can do for you if you'll give me a ride to 187th St..."

Anonymous said...

I see you liked my banana. Can I fill this cup up with some of my fruitjuice?


Dan said...

What do you mean you want to pull back the skin on my banana? Cant you see I all ready have?

Anonymous said...

Damn Amber...setting the bar high, so early...

David Dust said...

Mike ... you're bad! :)

David Dust said...

Beth - you DO need that vacation if you can't think of anything dirty!

David Dust said...

I'm going to do "Caption This" more often ... you biatches are FUNNY!!!


Amber LeMay said...

Jennie -I've heard those words before... Amber, bar, high, early.

Unknown said...

Could you give me a hand makin' a banana protein shake? I'm just needin' some cream...

David Dust said...

Amber - you CRACK ME UP!!!

Anonymous said...

"Can you believe it... after he bit my banana he kept repeating was "banana scallops and bacon ice cream, I lost with banana scallops and bacon ice cream." I thought he was trying to pick me up!"

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