Monday, June 16, 2008

Today's The Day!

We're marrying in California, ya'll - starting TODAY. THE END OF THE WORLD MUST BE NEAR! Stay tuned for fire, brimstone and plagues of locusts... or not.


Mark in DE said...

Pictures, pictures. We want pictures of your wedding, David dear!

Mark :-)

SailorAlphaCentauri said...

Well, when the world doesn't come to an end, I'll be there applauding.

(I hope I didn't offend you with my more recent post!)

John said...

I just hope this lasts. Until then, I'm holding my breath and crossing my fingers, toes and everything else. I know people who plan to marry there soon!

Psychomom said...

What a great day for the gays but I'd like to warn you all about that marriage thang, it isn't all it's cracked up to be and getting divorced really sucks. Pick em wisely and sign a prenup!


What, me bitter?

Chris said...

two states down, 48 to go. it's a big small step bu a wonderful one.

Anonymous said...

No locusts yet and I am near SF, so you know I'd see them!

Let me say, it's about time.

Joy said...

True, Chris!

Romance said...

I love San Fran for leading the way... go my town... And today's wedding was the shit!!! What total heroines those two gals are.... I am a cynical, hard-hearted, burned out bitch- and shed a tear or two.. I hope I am still sporting lipstick when I am 85..

Seriously, I am all proud to be a San Franciscan (OK, I did move a year ago), but still.. Wooohooo!!! I love my town and this makes me so proud to be a Cali-fornian....

Quirky Chaos said...


Anonymous said...

We don't bother in's all common law.Whoever dies last just leaves the trailer and skiddah behind. Nobody will bother them. Well, they might put it up on blocks and strip it. The yard full of old mowers, snowmobiles,etc don't work anyway.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes I forgot. Ensign Zulu from Star trek plans a September marriage with his lover of 27(?) years.

kayce. said...

well, THANK YOU tila tequila... we couldn'ta done it w/ out you, LMAO... =D

Angel said...

well, thank goodness!!! Now maybe Brad and Angie can quit living in sin and finally get married!!! ;)

are you moving to california now? and I just have to say this, after watching a documentary on Elenor Roosevelt last night....I'm sure she's applauding this day, and never thought it would come! What an interesting woman she was.

love you tranny!!

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