Monday, June 9, 2008

Random Thoughts ... Design Star - Episode One

I have always enjoyed watching Design Star on HGTV. Season 3 of the show premiered last night. Here are some random thoughts:

● I was upset that two of the hotties who made it to the final 39 didn’t end up making it on the show. The first cutie answered the door of his hotel room wearing nothing but a towel – nice! The second guy’s name was Frank Meli – he was cute but VERY high-strung, and seemingly obsessed with model ships and nautical themes. The judges weren’t impressed with either of them.

● Judge (and designer) Vern Yip is a cocky little bastard. But after watching him do his thing on Trading Spaces, I believe he has the talent to back up all the cockiness.

● I loved the chick who couldn’t pronounce “juxtaposition”, and also the guy who designed with the “paranormal energies” of a residence in mind.

● How annoying was Big Queen Michael Stribling? I know I’m hatin’ on a sister, but that bitch couldn’t answer simple questions like “please describe your design style”. But he COULD repeat his “catch phrase” over and over and over: “It’s official … I am amazing”. No darling: It’s official … you are ANNOYING.

● Why did they choose Nashville as the location for this season? Is Nashville known for its interior design? If they were going to go somewhere in the south, I would have thought Atlanta or Houston would have been more obvious choices. Or they could have gone to New Orleans – and focused the challenges on the ongoing rebuilding efforts there.

● I would TOTALLY watch ANY show that featured the lady who brought “her girls” – four different wigs that showed her different personality traits. HOT.TRANNY.MESS.

● Talk about tough challenges … their first task is to BUILD THE FRIGGIN’ HOUSE THEY WILL LIVE IN! They have one week and $100,000. We’ll have to tune in next week to see how it goes.


TAMmommy said...

Loved the thoughts!

I am waiting to see if the first challenge is real or not, or there were just trying to get a rise out of them, but I think it will be neat, except that most of the ladies have no clue when it comes to building (their comments).

Michael Stribling has gotten on my last nerve already! I was so hoping he didn't make it after the auditions stuff.

Thanks for checking out my recap, although there wasn't alot of recapping, but would you believe I actually took notes during the show last night! That was a first! I usually just do my posts from what I remember, but with FoodNetwork Star coming up right after Design Star, I figured I needed the help.

Thanks for reading my blog and commneting!!

Unknown said...

I missed the first episode last night! I will have to catch a rerun. I do enjoy this show, and Vern, well, he's kinda hot!

haus maus said...

Okay I am seriously enjoying your recap. Thanks for stopping by my blog to comment. Hope you stop by again soon, your feedback is awesome.

Angel said...

I love this show too...Hello Michael Bromstadt--er, whatshisname!!! But, I of course, missed this one. But I'm sure it'll be on like, 20 more times, so I'll catch it then.

Hot. Tranny. Mess. does it GET any better than that??!

David Dust said...

David Bromstadt - I actually saw him during the taping of the Design Star finale of Season 1. They were setting up their "rooms" in Bryant Park, and I walked past on the way to the Dollar Store.

He was HOT in person...

I'm pissed the Mess with the Wigs didn't make it on the show...

mikeinbama said...

I watched last night and the hot police officer and designer from Colorado are my favorites so far. You should do a limited show recap of Design Star.

David Dust said...

Mike - I have already gathered up pictures of "Mikey" the hot cop. Look for him soon on DavidDust.

I MAY do more "Random Thoughts" posts on Design Star. I'm not sure I know how to do a "limited" recap. You know me - I'm not happy until I have bells and whistles and snarkiness galore.

We'll see what happens...

the dogs' mother said...

Love the first challenge - should
be so interesting to see what happens with it.
I agree, wigged out lady would have been fun, if scary.

Chris said...

I love the twist that they have to build their house.

Looing forward to see how things play out.

Joy said...

I didn't get on board until last season and got caught up in it. I'm with you for this.

Loved your comments. I don't know why they're having this in Nashville, but I like the shows taped there so I can see locations and all. I'm even watching Can You Duet and Nashville Star for those reasons.

FoodNetwork Star? I'll check on that and watch the rest of it if I can work it in now that there are several taking place in Nashville.

The hot policeman can do it all!

Mark in DE said...

As usual, I agree with your summary of Design Star season 3. I watched and correctly guessed the winners of seasons 1 and 2, and really like seeing the creativity of the entire cast.

It may be too early since they haven't even started the competition, but I'm thinking that "bear" of a guy Matt Locke from LA with the totally awesome story board is going to be a real contender.

Mark :-)

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