Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Gay Brains and Musicals

Doug at the fantastic and eclectic blog Unnatural Devotions (NSFW) posted a clip of Patti Lupone performing “Everything’s Coming Up Roses” from Gypsy at the Tony Awards – and it made my gay ass happy. There is just something about Patti Lupone performing in a Broadway musical that just makes a queen smile. See Lupone’s performance here (totally SFW, obvs.)

Recently, the results of a study were published showing that gay men’s brains were wired a certain way – more similar to straight women than to other men. Part of that “gay wiring” HAS to be the love of a Diva in a musical.

Of course, there is always going to be the random butch queer who’ll say “I don’t enjoy that faggy stuff” – but SEE if they don’t start lip synching to Jennifer Holiday performing “And I’m Telling You, I’m Not Going” from Dreamgirls. It’s IMPOSSIBLE for us NOT to (including the exclamation of “HA HA!” – as in “I’m not wakin’ up tomorrow morning, HA HA!, and findin’ that there’s nobody’s there!!!...”.

To all mothers out there – here is a way to test your young sons to see if they’re gay or not. Make them sit down and watch the Patti Lupone clip. If your son picks his nose while watching, and then grabs some milk from the fridge (drinking it right out of the container) on his way out the door to play some sport, then he’s probably straight. But if Junior suggests alternate staging for Lupone and has wardrobe suggestions for her co-stars – then get that queen to drama camp! The latter also means you’ll have someone to go shopping with for the rest of your life.


Doug said...

Thanks for the nod. I can't stop watching that clip of Patti.

David Dust said...

Doug - thank YOU for sharing that clip. I didn't get to see the Tony's, but I'm so glad I got to see Patti perform. She KILLS this performance - absolutely MURDERS it ... just like a true Diva.

Joy said...

She does. Roz is my all-time favorite Mama Rose until Patti.

Interesting about the brain wiring and makes sense how straight women and gay men can be such good friends. We do have a lot in common even besides men.


Anonymous said...

thanks for the picts of tonys. great

Mark in DE said...

LOL - loved the "HA HA" reference in "And I'm tellin' you..."

Also loved the "test" for gay boys.

Mark :-)

Angel said...

well, thank goodness i have YOU tranny, cuz my boys TOTALLY drink milk right outta the carton AND pick their noses!!!

and I DID see the tony's and loved it when Patti won!!!! she is a trip!!!

Timmy said...

Her performance of that song is a bit different from what I have seen because you can see some fear in her eyes. Fear that things won't be coming up roses and what are we going to do next.

The second test to determine whether a guy is gay is to play It's Raining Men. If they get correctly to the clap of the hands, then ya know.

Unknown said...

Luone is brilliant, and I can't believe this was only her second Tony. The show was pretty good, and they should bring Whoopie back next year.

As for the 'test,' it reminded me of one of my favorite scenes from Longtime Companion.

And Stephen Caffrey is hot?

Unknown said...

Wow, I really need to remember to read my posts before publishing, don't I? Of course, I meant Lupone, not some mythical Luone... And I meant to affirm Stephen Caffrey's hotness with an exclamation point, not ponder it with a question mark.

Yikes! You better believe I read this one over before posting!

David Dust said...

That Luone is SUCH a diva...

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