Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Real Live WHORES!!!!!

After finishing up at my part-time job last night around midnight, I walked to the corner of 64th Street and Park Avenue to catch a cab (about ½ block away). This is one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in the nation – I know of at least one BILLIONAIRE who lives a block away. It’s also pretty deserted at midnight – no delis, no restaurants, and no newsstands – just big apartment buildings and the doormen who guard them.

Recently I have been discussing how much New York has changed over the past 15 years with fellow blogger (and former New Yorker) Charlie. It used to be a common occurrence in certain parts of Manhattan (Times Square, far West Chelsea, Lexington Ave. in the 30’s) to see “Working Girls” trying to pick up tricks. But not anymore.

Manhattan has become so upscale, and has become so focused on “quality of life” issues that you very, very rarely see a real live Hooker anymore. And when you DO, she sticks out like a sore … thumb.

But Hookers, by nature, are resourceful. Obviously, the majority of Manhattan prostitution is arranged via the internet and/or telephone. But there are Ho’s out there who know if you tempt a man – he just might take the bait. So what some of these ladies do is travel around in SUV’s and proposition men on the streets. Once they pick up a John, they take him to a parking lot or garage that they have an “arrangement” with – and take care of business. I had read about this before, but never seen it in action.

So last night as I was attempting to hail a cab, I saw a white Land Rover flashing its high beams in my direction – just like a cab driver would to signal that he was on his way to pick me up. The Land Rover pulls up in front of me and inside are obviously two Hookers – one asking me in a breathy voice – “you wanna ride?”…

I almost laughed in that Ho’s face! Talk about “barking up the wrong tree”! I know it’s been A LONG TIME since I got any, but I’m not THAT desperate … yet. Maybe I should have gotten a phone number – just in case...?

At pretty much the same time a cab pulled up behind them, and I jumped inside. The Land Rover made a right at the next corner – directly toward that Billionaire’s townhouse. Thanks but no thanks, ladies.


SailorAlphaCentauri said...

Oh, that's hilarious! Clearly, their gay-dar was off that night (but working girls tend not to care as long as they get paid).

It reminds me of all the poor working girls who used to hang out on Prospect in Cleveland. They've all since moved out to the suburbs, but on occasion you'll see one walking the street.

I still think my first run-in with one in Columbus was hilarious: she was wearing a fur jacket and Daisy Dukes and was grocery shopping with her pimp (white pimps are funny!) and they spent the whole time complaining about using the self-checkout counter at our local Kro-Ghetto. She looked like the hooker from the Facts of Life episode who tried to turn Tootie, but more comical.

Angel said...

ha! honey....you should have gone for it...maybe they would have taken you to the Billionaires house!!! ;)

We've got alot of hookers in town...but they SURE don't look like that! These are some hard-core crack heads who hook in town....woowee.

My daughter had a friend who WANTED to be a prostitute, but she didn't want to do any old men....porr girl. That was her life's ambition? Sad.

Don't you wonder what makes women go into that business? money? I would have to be an "escort" I think...no slugs, no nasty guys....just Maybe Brad Pitt or George clooney....no Elliot Spitzers...eeewwww.

I think I've given this a little too much thought....

glad you're feeling better Tranny!!

David Dust said...

Sailor - white pimps ARE funny. There's something slightly "off" by a white man pimpin' - like watching a gay man trying to play golf.

Beth - that Billionaire I mentioned happens to be a client of my boss - I've actually BEEN in that house before (but just in the "servant's entrance")!

And YES, you have spent entirely too much time thinking about this topic...


Unknown said...

Interesting, to say the least. Back in the olden day of yore, I would be walking to an off-Broadway theater on 42nd Street [which I don't think still even exits] and get hit on by hookers and dealers hanging by Port Authority [as they did all times of day and night] on a regular and annoying basis. Back then I had long hair [the 80s, and I only cut it off about 7 years ago when I figured I would look like a faded Woodstocker] and did the normal jeans uniform, so I guess they just decided to give it a try. I would laugh at both and keep going...

Wow, curiosity got the best of me, and I looked it up and the Douglas Fairbanks Theater is still around! Who'da thunk it?

David Dust said...

Howard - Oh yeah, I've heard of the Douglas Fairbanks Theater. There are still a few off-Broadway theaters on that stretch of 42nd Street - but no hookers.

Now, that doesn't mean there aren't still male hustler papihookers at the Port Authority. Those boys will NEVER leave ... thank God. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh my my...things have changed. With an SUV it would seem they are better off than their johns. I must run down to the stream and tell old Clint
The hookers in our area wear jeans and dirty t-shirts. They are so dirty and disgusting.They run right up to your car at a light stop. They smell of sweat and beer and are huge lard asses. They're pretty blunt.."Wanna blow job? 20 bucks." They ain't pretty, that's for sure.

Unknown said...

Thanks, David, every once in a while I harken back to the good old days of hooker, dealers, and sex shops on 42nd ST, not to mention what you could find down in the Village around Sheridan Square on a Saturday night. I, however, was too scared to check out the piers.

I had a show I worked on run for about 2 years in the Douggie Fairbox, as we referred to it, back in the late 80s. The show was Fool For Love. It had an interesting cast. I was brought in to do the set repairs and painting, but only on the sly, since it was a union house and I didn't carry a card.

David Dust said...

Howard - SCAB!!!!

You union-bustin' devil, you!


Unknown said...

Yes, my dear, that is me. :-)

Well, not really, for the union guy was paid, and I wasn't. I just did the work. The production stage manager didn't trust the union boys, and had me come up a couple of times a month to work for free. It all started with a late afternoon phone call from Suzanne [the PSM] in tears begging me to come up and help while the union boys were on dinner break. Funny thing is the union boys didn't care, as long as they got paid and sat outside the theater smoking while I worked. Like an idiot, I thought it would lead to work or even a union card. Didn't happen.

Timmy said...

That is too funny. LOL

Reminds me of something that happened on a Friday night, many years ago, at a hotel bar in Austin. I had to work the next morning and really didn't want to go out so I went to the hotel bar.

A female sits next to me and starts to chat me up. LOL I was polite. She then says, "Buy a lady a drink." I said, "No" but what I wanted to say was, "Sure, if there was a lady sitting next to me."

She found a gentleman to buy her a drink and then I saw them leaving together.

mikeinbama said...

You gotta love hookers :)

Anonymous said...

That reminds me of a girl from one of my study groups in college. She was pretty open about the fact that she left Centerfolds (a "gentleman's club) to work for an escort service. Apparently it was paying for college. I felt SO old, thinking, "Gee, I waited tables."

David Dust said...

Jennie - I know what you mean. I was a Manager at McDonald's during college. Boring!

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